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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. Klodomir

    Has this one been discussed yet?

    If you have already discussed this issue, please forgive me and feel free to delete this thread. If not, read on... Denmark has a minister who doesn't believe in creation, resurrection or the eternal life. Danish Clergyman Challenges Church, God Idea It's blown over now, but for a while it...
  2. Klodomir

    Go Satans!?

    Yahoo! News - AP Board Studies 'Satans' Nickname Thu Aug 1, 9:38 AM ET DEVILS LAKE, N.D. (AP) - School Board officials here expect a flurry of comments when they open debate on Devils Lake High School's "Satans" nickname. Three hours have been allotted for debate Thursday night. "I...
  3. Klodomir

    Funnier than your average forwarded list

    Things you'd love to say at work but can't 1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit. 2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 3. How about never? Is never good for you? 4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate...
  4. Klodomir

    End of the world postponed

    BOOOO! I was looking forward to this! Monday, 29 July, 2002, 11:51 GMT 12:51 UK Asteroid to miss - this time around It has been called the most threatening object in space By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science editor...
  5. Klodomir

    Calling all REAL men!

    Have you played this game yet?
  6. Klodomir

    Diamond, You Big Stud!

    Take me to bed and spank me or lose me forever!
  7. Klodomir

    I'll kick your ass
  8. Klodomir

    "I always thought it was good for you"

    Well well well... we have discussed the possibility of this on this very forum before, and now it has happened: a group of obese Americans are suing fast food restaurants for making them fat! Thursday, 25 July, 2002, 23:33 GMT 00:33 UK...
  9. Klodomir

    Delayed reaction to last weeks events due to vacation

    Hey all, I just wanted to pop in and express my outrage and sadness at the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, as well as the subsequent sanctification of him. All of a sudden it seems that the Netherlands has turned into a banana republic, and a large part of the Dutch people have had their...
  10. Klodomir


    Fess up, people! Who are the Tetris fans among us? Post here about how often you play it, when you first discovered it, if you have ever suffered from 'Tetritis', what your high score is, what do you play it on, when and where do you play, etc. etc. -Klodomir Gameboy (colour) Tetris player...
  11. Klodomir

    New global warming plan

    President Bush has unveiled his new global warming plan, and not surprisingly, it seems to be completely inadequate and halfway voluntary. And Australia is backing it! Are we now fighting a war against the environment, I wonder?
  12. Klodomir

    Withnail & I Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful film! I'm so happy to have finally discovered it. I have never before heard so many memorable quotes in just one film. I was literally crying with laughter! Any other fans here?
  13. Klodomir

    Fargo - help needed

    Movie buffs, please help me out! I'm not good at arty-farty, so could someone please explain to me why Fargo is so great? I just watched it and it just didn't do anything for me, yet it's supposed to be one of the greatest movies of all time. I'm also wondering why it's supposed to be funny...
  14. Klodomir

    Fast food law suits

    This topic was brought up in another discussion, and I was wondering if these lawsuits are already a fact? I thought it was still just speculation, but ocu2fan mentioned that they were already happening. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some links and info - opinions are of course...
  15. Klodomir

    Richey Edwards

    From Rolling Stone News: Manic Legally Dead Tomorrow January 31, 8 p.m. ET, After seven years of waiting, U.K. rockers Manic Street Preachers will say a formal goodbye to Richey James Edwards, their band mate who disappeared February 1, 1995, on the eve of an American tour...
  16. Klodomir

    English well speeched here

    Here are some signs and notices which have been translated into rather bad English! Can you spot what has gone wrong, and what they are really trying to say? On a French passenger jet: Live West Under Your Seat. In a Tokyo hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a...
  17. Klodomir

    I'm bored

    Dance for me!
  18. Klodomir

    Insanity test

    For everyone except Maddie.
  19. Klodomir

    Saving oneself for marriage... to which extent?

    You know, that Britney Spears girl always gives me food for thought... No, seriously, the other day I heard something about Britney getting a naughty birthday present from her boyfriend, and subsequently owning up to doing just about everything with him bar intercourse. We all know that...
  20. Klodomir


    Interesting that he listed his reasons in that order.
  21. Klodomir

    Why do really blonde men bother w. facial hair?

    LOL, tell me about it! It's like, you want to go up and offer them an eraser to remove it with.
  22. Klodomir

    Which names did your parents consider...

    ... before picking your actual name? In my case, Carina and Sabrina. #1 turned out to be too common, and my dad didn't like #2 (maybe a premonition of a certain 80s pop star). If I had been a boy, my dad says he would have called me Carl-?ge, but I don't believe that.
  23. Klodomir

    Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

    Now that the euro has been successfully implemented, the EU has set its sights on the next critical issue: You can read the rest of this fascinating story here:,,3-2002015869,00.html
  24. Klodomir

    Sugar and spice and everything nice...

    ... is, as we all know, what little girls are made of. But what is Christina Aguilera made of? Crayon and hay and modelling clay, if you ask me.
  25. Klodomir

    U2 - boehoehoe?

    Ik heb dit op gevonden: Kippenvel Bij sommige muziek is het steevast raak. Na de eerste drie tonen herken ik de plaat en krijg ik spontaan kippenvel, soms gepaard gaand met vollopende ogen. Na een tiental seconden verdwijnt dit weer. Het gaat steeds om een plaat...
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