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  1. trevster2k

    Nowww, Roger Federer is no longer number one in my books

    Federer just lost to Gilles Simon in Toronto at the Rogers Cup in the second round. He had a bye in the first round. :ohmy: Both Nadal and Djokovic are in this tournament too. Gilles is ranked 22nd and has as many victories in this season as Federer. He was my guy even after Wimbledon but now...
  2. trevster2k

    Christian the Lion - amazing story

    Christian, the lion who lived in my London living room By VICTORIA MOORE Last updated at 23:24 04 May 2007 He travelled by Bentley, ate in fine London restaurants and spent his days lounging in a furniture shop. The story of Christian the pet lion - and his eventual release into the wild -...
  3. trevster2k

    Watchmen Trailer online

    I don't have search function so couldn't find thread for Watchmen. Anyhoo, here is the link for new Watchmen trailer.:drool: Watchmen Trailer
  4. trevster2k

    btw, remember that war in Afghanistan...

    you know the one where the people who orchestrated 9/11 were living. Well, the AP is reporting that Karzai is reaching out to the Taliban to offer them a role in government in an attempt to stop the violence in Afghanistan. How about that? The president of the country where Canada is wasting...
  5. trevster2k

    Dr. Randy Pausch - Lecture of a lifetime This man is facing death with dignity and courage. Very moving and inspirational. I dare you not to be touched by this. Full lecture in streaming video: mms://
  6. trevster2k

    A little good news

    Students campaign to support anti-bullying :applaud:
  7. trevster2k

    The Shock Doctrine :hmm:
  8. trevster2k

    My Early Muir Owl aka Will You Marry Me Some of you may need tissues!!:wink:
  9. trevster2k

    Amazing plays in sports This is the last matchup but if you click on the brackets, there are links to 64 incredible plays. I voted for the improbable goal. I didn't see Marino's fake spike vs Jets on the list. I watched that game and it blew my mind with what he did.
  10. trevster2k

    Can someone give me a summary of E.T in haiku form

    Spielberg tour de force? E.T is a mystery Never seen by me.
  11. trevster2k

    What is the greatest innovation for tv sports?

    Sports on tv has been a mainstay of our society for years. What was the best thing they did besides broadcasting the games? Instant replay? Slo-motion? Super slo-motion? LIVE from ....? Multiple camera angles? High definition? Microphones on players? In game player interviews? Play by play...
  12. trevster2k

    How many movies / tv series do you have in your collection?

    Ok, this includes VHS, DVD, and for you rich people HD-DVD or Blueray or even those PSP thingys. How many movies do you possess? I have close to 250 movies, 95% DVD and about 5-6 tv series collections.
  13. trevster2k

    Memories of aged actors, I'm not dead yet

    Have you ever seen an actor on tv from a show you watched as a kid and go, wow, they're still alive?!?:ohmy: Cause you thought they were really old on the show you watched, yet now 15-20 years or so later they are still kickin. I think a lot of it has to do with how everyone looks old when you...
  14. trevster2k

    Dumping a tv show. Does it pain you so?

    Well. I have stopped watching Desperate Housewives as of a couple of weeks ago. I haven't watched most of the Amazing Race and I think I will probably dump Grey's Anatomy soon. Lost was on the edge there for a while but hasn't lost me.........yet. Heroes has my total undivided attention while 24...
  15. trevster2k

    Charlie Rose interviews Dubya tonight on PBS For better or for worse.
  16. trevster2k

    Boy show? Girl show? Do you watch both?

    So I heard a conversation on the radio today trying to define boy shows vs girl shows. And they also discussed who watches each. What do you think is a girl or boy show? And do you watch because you want to or because a significant other is making you watch? They talked about Heroes and...
  17. trevster2k

    Awww, the real Pikachu She must be lotsa fun at parties!!
  18. trevster2k

    Making an ass out of the justice system The owner of the donkey was interviewed on As It Happens on CBC radio tonight. It was hilarious. Carol Oft, the interviewer cracked up a few times. Gregory Shamoun referred to the donkey as his ass. When asked why he...
  19. trevster2k

    20 child autopsies by pathologist questioned Another reason for not having a death penalty. Errors by pathologists in determining cause of death.
  20. trevster2k

    And the chaos of death in Baghdad
  21. trevster2k

    Student entitlement?

    I was listening to an interview with James E. Cote who has written a book Ivory Tower Blues: A University System in Crisis. March 11th link I found many of his insights to be disturbing. He claims that university degrees have become merely a work...
  22. trevster2k

    Sandbox playtime Timekiller, no stress involved.
  23. trevster2k

    90th anniversary of Vimy Ridge

    Today is the 90th anniversary of Canada's victory at Vimy Ridge during World War I. Considered by many to be the starting point of Canada's nationhood. The Vimy Memorial was re-dedicated today in France after being restored to it's original...
  24. trevster2k

    Splash sploosh splish game 12 levels cleared
  25. trevster2k

    Kings of Leon pay their respects

    In the April 2007 edition of Esquire, the Kings of Leon are featured in a photoshoot. The article has these few lines
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