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  1. Dfit00

    eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour 2018 - Rumors & General Discussion

    What exactly justifies $500 GA tickets for both MSG shows? This is the price trend I am seeing at the last minute.
  2. Dfit00


    Chicago 2's GA drops were very short lived. I did notice there were also drops in the 120's sections and 110's, almost front row seats at the full price of almost $360. This is a bummer since many people had already bought tickets at the same price for other sections. This proves even more...
  3. Dfit00

    How are the tickets selling?

    Chicago 2's upper rear seats were completely curtained off. What happened to the people who bought tickets for those sections?
  4. Dfit00

    MSG Shows

    It all boils down to simple economics, big cities and markets like New York, London, Los Angeles and the like will transcend into a ridiculous demand to outspurt the ticket prices to ridiculous prices like you have all seen and mentioned. This thread just proves that New York City is also a...
  5. Dfit00

    Which SOE songs do you think will not make the setlist?

    American Soul The same copycat noise of Volcano from SOI and Stand Up Comedy from NLOTH. I know its direct connection with being appreciative of American support for U2, but it is just filler in the album, hard to bring up to that level.
  6. Dfit00

    Spanish Eyes, Sweetest Thing... what other B sides will make it live?

    I sure hope Ali Hewson hadn't gotten mad again after hearing The Sweetest Thing after so many years.
  7. Dfit00

    St Louis cancelled

    I was mostly referring to the theme of the tour with eradication of hate, inclusion of love, peacefulness, etc. that doesn't match the protests, rioting and chaos that was happening in the city. It's like having a peace concert in the middle of a warzone.
  8. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    In other words, we are going to play where the money is at.
  9. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    At this point, it is a shame that Australia/New Zealand, Japan/Asia nor South Africa got to experience this Joshua Tree 30-year anniversary tour. If they were able to bring the monstrous 360 stage, equipment and shows to these places, it leaves a lot of questioning of why they couldn't make it...
  10. Dfit00

    The last stadium tour?

    Bono's voice is certainly taking a hit throughout this tour in some shows. Heck 40 years in a band shouting your brains out is not easy. Why do you think Larry is a miserable ass and will be physically unable to play the drums?
  11. Dfit00

    St Louis cancelled

    I've always heard that St. Louis is a very dangerous city with lots of racial tension and heavy segregation. No wonder it is a such a cheap place to live? It was a good decision that U2 cancelled the show since the theme of the tour doesn't really match the current setting at the city, of...
  12. Dfit00

    Bono's Voice for 2017 (Official Thread)

    In some videos you can also see that he struggles physically hitting the high notes throughout this current tour. Part may be due to age and for the fact that he has thousands of shows under his vocal cords.
  13. Dfit00

    How about a bit of spontaneity ?? Is this the most laziest tour ever

    I am certain that Bono's break dance moves in the middle of Exit throughout this tour have not been and will not ever be choreographed.
  14. Dfit00

    Adam Clayton becomes a dad for the second time!

    I had always admired the fact that Adam remained a bachelor and childless throughout his life until his early 50's. I was kind of disappointed when he had his first child with the mystery mother back in 2010 and then subsequently got married and now has a daughter with his Brazilian wife. The...
  15. Dfit00

    Adam Clayton becomes a dad for the second time!

    Apart from knowing that Bono already dropped the bomb on Adam's personal family life during the London show and the typical "Congratulations for the Baby! I am so happy for you two!", what are your thoughts on this?
  16. Dfit00

    Bono and his incessant/inane chatter during concerts

    The tone of the rant is deliberately influenced by problems and situations that only white, upper-class people get affected by. It's so heavily ingrained into that mentality that it's hard for non-white people to relate to, hence the term disgusting.
  17. Dfit00

    How about a bit of spontaneity ?? Is this the most laziest tour ever

    Thank you for your keen observation and attention to detail, BVS; it's highly appreciated. By the way here's the thread I am mentioning:
  18. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    You should have stayed single.
  19. Dfit00

    How about a bit of spontaneity ?? Is this the most laziest tour ever

    The tour isn't over yet, they still have two legs left after Europe which they may or may not add a few spontaneity and a few songs here and there. However I think that the feeling of lack of spontaneity throughout this tour is because The Joshua Tree is a very melodic album that represents a...
  20. Dfit00

    Bono and his incessant/inane chatter during concerts

    Or play the cassette rather, like in the good old 1980's. :cute: That rant post from that woman is so white that it is digusting.
  21. Dfit00

    Bono and his incessant/inane chatter during concerts
  22. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    Yeah this makes a lot of sense, especially since the drumbeats are quite soft during RHMT and the trumpets overwhelm the entire sound. Adam being close to Larry to hear the guiding of the drumbeats and sitting down might allow him to play the bass line in a better fashion and avoid screwing up...
  23. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    What's your song for your bathroom break?
  24. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    Yeah but how come in all of the other songs he's standing when he plays the bass? This is not a valid reason, the poor guy wants to rest his ass during this song in particular, but why is he sitting down every time?
  25. Dfit00

    Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion III

    Does anybody know why Adam sits down to play the bass during Red Hill Mining Town? If you happen to notice he has sat down every time during the live performance of the song since the tour started. My best guess is because of the screen show of the trumpeters and the angle of direction of the...
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