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  1. S

    How do you think U2 felt about promoting Pop?

    Serves them right for being slack! They should have done more earlier in order to complete it on time. So as not to be hypocrite, I'll get back to my essay now. Otherwise I might become dissatisified with the mark I recieve if submit something that could have been better with a few additional...
  2. S

    Anyone notice that the radio version and mp3 of 'Vertigo' sound flat?

    After listening to Vertigo several times it began leaving me feeling "empty" as thoough it was severely lacking something. Something wasn't right about it. However I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My primary version being a copy taped of radio. Although, I seem to enjoy the...
  3. S

    DJ REFUSING to play Vertigo!

    Its more than one radio station. Its a network of regional radio stations, so each has their own local programming as well as centralised programming. I can't speak for all of them as I haven't heard them, but the general attitude is they seem to be more excited about Destiny's Child's new...
  4. S

    U2 to release a "tracks" styled album?

    Like the Beatles Anthologies and Past Masters?
  5. S

    Why Nov 8?

    Just look at movies these days. About 3-4 months after they leave the cinema they're released on DVD/VHS (hopefully to reduce piracy). Not so long ago (under 5 years) it took them over a year to be released on DVD/VHS.
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