Just for fun I had tried entering the general sales on Wednesday. I was trying to get in about 3 minutes past the start
Feb 17 - I was number 14,807 in line
Feb 18 - number 8,952 in line
So demand is still there I guess!
The SOS / RnH suite feels 2 songs too long. Never been a huge fan of extended b-stage acoustic sets, but watching the original ZooTV show.. and it *almost feels like it gets on the verge of one too many then as well. Maybe it's a deliberate nod to the past ;)
As for Streets....We are accustomed...
I mean.. what do you think was the clincher here? What pushed her over? Was Love Rescue me just one too many acoustic tunes?
Kindof a big screwup on the design side.. if they can't sell these seats for a concert.. .surely they're not selling them for the movies they show there?
You can modify your request up till Saturday night at 10 Pacific - I did this last request round and (IMO) it didn't affect my chances, I still scored what I asked for. YMMV, of course..
Yeah honestly based on what I’ve seen so far… if you had a weekend trip there booked and only had tickets for one night, I’d definitely just wait till day of and buy the other night: TM first, resellers second (not GA from reseller. Too much risk)
Uh.. have you seen this show yet? You better take a couple extra tolerance doses if someone leaving to use the bathroom mid song is gonna bother ya. Way worse offenses happening..by the minute :lol:
I wish I had been, it might have made their renditions tolerable lol… maybe they felt emboldened by the anonymity of it all
The best part was walking out of the men’s room and seeing the faces of the women waiting for their men. Probably praying it wasn’t one of theirs.. either that or knowing...
Breezing in to note that the idea that the band that gave us Popmart..and every other visually stunning assault on our senses type production level since - could somehow overwhelm us? Cmon now
I'd love more variety too, but with a sit-in drummer, I can see an entirely more realistic scenario where they have a week or two of each iteration of the "rotation". Its not like Bram wrote these songs with the band. They would need down time between shows to bring the alternates up to...