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  1. D

    Aquafina Source Is Same As for Tap

    I HATE Evian -- I think it tastes flat. But NYC water is the BEST!!!! If they ever decide to bottle it, I'll buy it in a heartbeat!
  2. D

    Truman Capote and Armistead Maupin

    There are several books in the series by Maupin, and at least one stand alone novel -- I think, it's been years since I read them. If you're going to read more than one of the books in the series, you should read them in order. As I recall, the first one is one of the best ones.
  3. D

    IO-Who the hell buys these?!

    I won't say where I, um, stand on the Crocs issue -- but I remember seeing a picture or two of Edge in Crocs a while back....:wink:
  4. D

    Illuminate - Heaven and Hell

    You're NOT the only one reading this one. I've been loving it -- but haven't had time to post. I'm looking forward to MORE -- and to seeing how/if things get resolved.
  5. D

    when did you start to feel old?

    -The first time someone called me "Ma'm". -When I made a funny grunt/sigh noise getting into a hot bath. -When after I carefully explained to a young child that Abraham Lincoln lived over a hundred years ago, the child looked me straight in the eye and said "Well, did you know him?" -When I...
  6. D

    favourite cola?

    Kosher for Passover Coke -- it's made with sugar instead of corn syrup, so it tastes like the "real" Coke of my childhood....
  7. D

    Alec Baldwin: Father of the Year

    ["Once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone," adding, "you have insulted me for the last time." , "I don't give a damn that you're 12-years-old or 11-years-old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do." The...
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    The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

    I loved it.....Peter Weller! I never quite got the plot though...:wink:
  9. D

    I feel like a lame, but my sound is broken.

    I'm not a techie, but I've had this problem a couple of times with my Windows laptop. I can hear system sounds, but couldn't use my media players, and sometimes the sound effects on games have stopped as well. Doing the Windows updates seemed to fix the problem. Hope your sound is working now!
  10. D

    New Windows Updates Killing iTunes?

    I had a similar problem recently. I couldn't play any songs in i-tunes, or on my windows media player. I decided to wait it out until I could get someone to help me with it. Before I could get help, I had an automatic Windows update -- and now both media players are working fine. Sometimes...
  11. D

    Pre mid-life crisis!

    You didn't say exactly what about the teaching job was stressful -- others have said, you might want to try a different type of teaching. Tutoring -- either privately or with an educational organization -- might be a good way to go. You would get a lot of what most people like about...
  12. D

    Bono Gets Around #2

    Jamila -- thanks SO much for posting the transcript!
  13. D

    (03-03-2007) Photos of Bono, and video of his speech, at NAACP Awards - Yahoo!*

    The word is probably "pulpit". I've been trying to find a complete transcript of the speech too -- and so far, I haven't been successful.
  14. D

    Illuminate - Hawaii (part two)

    I'm REALLY enjoying this -- and looking forward to more!
  15. D

    What's your hiccup cure?

    Breathing into a small paper bag (with the bag over your nose and mouth). It works every time.
  16. D

    Now I'm paranoid...

    So now all these sick or potentially sick people are wandering around trying to figure out how to safely dispose of the nice little blue bags? Ick!
  17. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    My SECOND thought was that this is a wonderful idea! My FIRST thought was "oh -- they ALL have Edge-beanies..":edge:
  18. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    Found it! There are stitches conventions in California (Feb. 22 - 25), Illinois (August) and Baltimore (October), and Camps in North Carolina (April) and California (June). The website is Hope one of these is near you!
  19. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    If I can unearth my brochure from the convention, I'll post the website for you, but as I recall there are different Stitches conventions in different areas of the country, and even a Summer Camp. So you may not have to travel quite as far as you think!
  20. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    Wenda -- those are gorgeous! Have you been to a Stitches convention yet? I went to one in Baltimore and there were rows and rows of booths with LOTS of yarn and even more yarn addicts. I was told that there is something called the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival which is for really intense...
  21. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    Thanks for the links. Those look great! And inspiring! :wink:
  22. D

    Does anybody here knit?

    Yay! A knitting thread! I've been knitting for several months. So far I've done a couple of scarves, several hats -- which I've given away, and I recently completed my first pair of mittens. I was thrilled when all that yarn actually turned into real mittens! I'm planning to take a sweater...
  23. D

    are popcorn unhealthy?

    Maybe it's the SIZE that's different -- not the popcorn. the US "large" is probably everyone else's "super family size".
  24. D

    are popcorn unhealthy?

    Popcorn with butter and Old Bay seasoning.....or popcorn with shredded cheese on top...Yum! (Probably healthier than a Big Mac -- but not by much)
  25. D

    Remember the 80's?

    Re: Re: Remember the 80's? No, but I remember taking my first pair of Calvins to the cleaners to get them dry-cleaned -- so they wouldn't fade -- and starched, with creases up the front. I also had a pair of jeans with ankles so tight that they had zippers in the back with a little bow above...
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