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  1. lozy9876

    O Diary, Where Art Thou?

    hey would you be able to send them to me too :D
  2. lozy9876

    Midnight Part 18 Thanks :D oh any chnace would you be able to send me the whole story? ive read some of the first parts but then i missed a few so im not sure whne im up too..:hmm: so if you could send me the whole story thatd be really apprecitated :D if not its okay :lol:
  3. lozy9876

    Does anyone know what i might have?

    Well i finally got anwsers. I went to hospital 2 months ago for two weeks and they did a number of tests to try and figure out what was wrong. My liver was inflammed which they found that out from the ultrasound but still no anwser as to what i had. I did like a MRI scan only it was on my liver...
  4. lozy9876

    Does anyone know what i might have?

    Thanks for all the replies. :hug: I went to the doctors again on Tuesday and i had a blood test, Yesterday i giot my results and it turns out i have high iron. They made me have another blood test just to check again but the doctor said its a problem with my liver. I get the next set of blood...
  5. lozy9876

    Does anyone know what i might have?

    I'm back from the doctors. It wasn't as scary as i thought he just wanted to know what was numb and all that stuff and then he said i should go see a neurologist. So now i have to wait for a letter from the neurologist telling me my appoinment time. Thanks again to all the people who have...
  6. lozy9876

    Does anyone know what i might have?

    Thanks everyone for reading and replying. :hug: I'm going to the doctors tomorrow arghh im scared but its better to find out what it is. I'll report back tomorrow after the doctors.
  7. lozy9876

    Does anyone know what i might have?

    I'm a teenager and i've been having all these weird symptoms. I'm scared to go to the doctor cause i hate going and im scared what i have is really bad. Okay well first of all: i've been have this pins and needles/burning feeling in my fingers and under my eyes. I then had this numbness in my...
  8. lozy9876

    Love Rescue Me: Chapter 9

    :drool: That was awesome More Soon? :wink: :ohmy:
  9. lozy9876

    Love Rescue Me: Chapter 8

    I love this story :wink: Cant wait for more :drool:
  10. lozy9876

    Love Rescue Me: Chapter 7

    I really like this. its getting really interesting now. More soon?
  11. lozy9876

    Songs about Africa/Poverty

    hey does anyone know which songs are mostly about Africa or African Poverty? Thanks :)
  12. lozy9876

    Love Rescue Me: Chapter 2

    I really like this. Its different. :) More soon?:wink:
  13. lozy9876

    Pic. Request -- Bono: "My hands are tied..."

    :drool: :drool:
  14. lozy9876

    Love Rescue Me: Chapter 1

    I really like this. :) More soon?
  15. lozy9876

    Melbourne nights part 2

    Hey i cant pm cause im not a premium member but could you email it to me? Thanks =) Loved this chpater by the way :wink:
  16. lozy9876

    Melbourne Nights

    I like it :) More soon?
  17. lozy9876

    Pic Request: Larry with his motorbike

    Hey does anyone have pictures of larry with a/his motorbike? Thanks
  18. lozy9876

    Pic Request: Bono with Scarf

    thanks :)
  19. lozy9876

    Pic Request: Bono with Scarf

    Hey im looking of pictures of Bono wearing a scarf. Thanks
  20. lozy9876

    Pic Request: JT Bono

    Hey i was looking through my pictures and im low on JT Bono pics. So please some. =) Thanks
  21. lozy9876

    Model behaviour pt 17

    Love it! Can't wait for more!
  22. lozy9876

    Picture Request: Bono Stars

    Hey i need any pictures of Bono wearing any of the leather jackets he has with the stars on it. I dont mind if its the Elevation one or the Vertigo one. Which ever you have. Thanks
  23. lozy9876

    New Years Day Keyboard

    Hey Could anyone help me out with this? Thanks
  24. lozy9876

    Most moving u2 lines

    Theres so many but ill name a few Home, hard to know what it is if you've never had one Home, I can't say where it is but I know I'm going home That's where the hurt is And I know it aches and your heart it breaks And you can only take so much Leave it behind You've got to leave it behind...
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