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  1. V

    Does anyone know where this song came from......?

    a cover of prince's "the cross" done by either just Bono or the whole band? i downloaded this a while ago, and i have no idea where it's from...sounds like it was in a club...not sure if it's the whole band...but it's definitely bono...anyone know? anyway, it's awsome
  2. V

    Top Five U2 Dance Songs

    aaaaaaaaaaha! that cracked me up!
  3. V

    Top Five U2 Dance Songs

    1. Ultraviolet 2. Even Better Than the Real Thing 3. Mofo 4. Do You Feel Loved 5. Discotheque i can never do just 5... and...Out Of Control!
  4. V

    I have just been diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome!

    woohoo! only a week left! yay! does best buy allow you to reserve products?
  5. V

    I really like the "getting to know you" threads, so I have another one...

    ooo...i love doing favorites... comedy: the jerk, young frankenstein, best in show drama: amadeus, the godfather romance: the english patient, cinema paradiso horror: the shining suckiest: pumkinhead (also could be the funniest, that's how bad it is)
  6. V

    VOTE: People's Sexiest Man Alive!

    thanks lise! ok...i have one thing to say... aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahah! joey mac?????!!!! wtf?? you know you can't take a poll seriously when jon bon jovi and joey mac are in the lead! that's toooooooo funny!
  7. V

    VOTE: People's Sexiest Man Alive!

    ok...i'm glad i'm not the only one who can't find it...WHERE THE HELL IS IT???
  8. V

    Words that don't exist...but should

    LOL! those are pretty good... the "peppier" reminds me of the pepper boy skit on SNL with dana carvey and adam sandler...anyone see that? and just to let you know...i've never practiced the act of "disconfecting"
  9. V


    thank you so much sicy! i'm slowly, but surely on my way to recovery... no thanks to you baker!
  10. V


    ok...after a good temper tantrum...i've managed to pull myself together... my computer (my brand NEW computer) completely crashed on me, and i had to reload it...which means... i lost everything! mid-term paper that i was just about to back-up, all of my school work...yada yada yada...cry me a...
  11. V

    categories are in: vote for U2 for VH1 awards!

    hey starr? do you know how i can disable my cookies? i deleted all the vh1 cookies, but that doesn't seem to be working? do you know how? thanks for any help!
  12. V

    Playing with U2

    that is such an amazing story...thank you so much for sharing it with us! yay! i'm so happy for you! i'm so glad a girl got up there! does anyone know if this show is up anywhere? i would love to hear this!
  13. V

    Somebody tell me this ISN'T Bono!!!!

    aaaaahahahah! that's hilaaaaaaaaaarious! lookin good! always thought he'd make a good redhead
  14. V

    Ok, I guess VH1 is actually showing the concert

    do you think they're really going to air this particular show? or do you think this was a misprint? i'm thinking it's a mistake, but i hope not! party girl, slow dancing, wild honey, please!!! yeah!!! niiiiice!
  15. V

    Poll: Favorite tracks on Salome Outtakes!

    i have a few favs... i'm not sure if these are the correct titles...but it's what i have: "montgomery's visit" "take today" (pretty much "north and south of the river") "jitterbug baby"
  16. V


    *waits for the propaganda threads to start*
  17. V

    What are your top 5 non-U2 songs?

    ooo, too hard... how about top 5 of the moment? -higher than the sun: primal scream -deep down and dirty: stereo mc's -waterloo sunset: the kinks -unfinished symphony: massive attack -dancing in the moonlight: thin lizzy -last night: the strokes so sue me, one over
  18. V

    Is this just my imagination.....???

    LMAO bonochick! that website is hilarious!! too bad it's "right-click disabled"
  19. V

    Just saw on MTV (yay!)

    actually night 2 was june 6... but it could possibly be video from the first show (june 5) since both nights were taped...but that was just my guess.
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