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    Bang a Gong

    FYI, that piano is done by a guy named Elton John.
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    Bang a Gong

    I didn't see this being discussed anywhere else?
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    1980-83 fans: Your TUF story

    I entered the chat at TJT. I experienced the surprise of the new sound at AB but I've always wondered what it was like for someone who was a Boy-Oct-War fan to spin TUF for the first time. Was it a surprise? Was there any warning? What was your first reaction? Did it change over time?
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    Latest Stream: Chicago 2005

    Those entitled brats make me embarrassed for humanity. Like, I'm personally embarrassed.
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    Hypothetical U2 MTV unplugged

    I watched it. It may not musically blow me away but it delivered on FUN. I think people would have liked it.
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    Hypothetical U2 MTV unplugged

    Thanks for the fucking banjo link. Will check it out.
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    Hypothetical U2 MTV unplugged

    I think they did Vertigo acoustic on Ellen? If I'm right about that, it was meh but points for trying.
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    Hypothetical U2 MTV unplugged

    I think thry have had some shining acoustic moments. Wake Up Dead Man at Slane Stuck on Letterman We're bored of SATS but it had a lot of energy during PopMart EBW killed at the EMAs Anyway, while I do agree that acoustic isn't their native style, they have in fact pulled it off well here and...
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    "Circulate" on Pop

    Maybe this is nothing, but I recently noticed the concept of "circulation" comes up at least twice on Pop - will have to think if there are perhaps more instances. Discotheque: "Circulate, regulate, oh no / You cannot connect it" WUDM: "Listen over the sounds of blades in rotation / Listen...
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    Any interactions between Pink Floyd & U2?

    Yeah, the MOS solo was Gilmour-esque for sure. My conceptualization of Roger Water's personality and character leads me to believe it would be difficult for him to feel a connection to U2. He is coming from a very different place musically, emotionally, values-wise. I assume Gilmour could be...
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    U2 Still has a great album in them

    I dunno about this family stuff. Other than Adam, they are mostly done. All of a sudden, they are busy with family? I have a teenager. I am waaaaaay less busy with family now than ten years ago. I just don't get this idea that suddenly they are parents are something. What they are is older...
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    They need to use more Autotune on Bono's vocals

    Hi. I'm new, too. I'm more optimistic about a new album - I think 2022. That's 5 years after their last one. Also, while they probably aren't jamming together, I can't imagine B&E aren't bored enough to not be working on riffs and ideas to seed the next session.
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    I joined a U2 fan forum in 2020

    Somebody put out The Edge?
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    I joined a U2 fan forum in 2020

    It's even dorkier than any of those. "Ai" is the Chinese word for love.
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    I joined a U2 fan forum in 2020

    In leiu of flowers, you may leave your condolences here.
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