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  1. M

    Songwriter seeking Prayer ideas

    True, it can be used as anything you like. Pick a card, any card
  2. M

    Songwriter seeking Prayer ideas

    Thread started in the interference forum, is simplly this: That I’ve found reference in SURRENDER and some other biographies of U2, that they’ve (Bono, Edge and Larry ) have employed prayer to keep themselves on track. Now I’m looking for ways to employ same in my own writing life. So far have...
  3. M

    Songwriter seeks help with Prayer before writing

    Finally “Found what I was looking for”: SURRENDER p. 8, three lines from the bottom of the page: As we do before every show, we pray. Sometimes it can feel as if we’re strangers, praying to find the intimacy of a band that could be useful to our audience this evening…To be useful is a curious...
  4. M

    Songwriter seeks help with Prayer before writing

    Thanks for your input! Tailoring my own prayer is what I want to do, but I seem to be hemmed in by brick walls. Writing anything is difficult right now, which is why I thought of U2’s praying before getting down to work. The reference I found was in their re-counting of their Lypton Village...
  5. M

    Songwriter seeks help with Prayer before writing

    I’m a songwriter encountering Resistance ( Steven Pressfield “War of Art” Blog). I’ve read about U2’s prayer before a session, and wondered if they might have suggestions for creating a prayer of my own. My writing, recording and health are under attack by the feelings that I’m not in this to...
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