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  1. F

    Milan DVD

    But I think they recorded the DVD WAY too early in the tour to rush it out for a Christmas release. They hadn't even gotten into the rhythm of how great the setlist grew to be by the third leg. It's representative of the first leg, but I don't think it's very representative of the whole tour...
  2. F

    Miracle Drug dropped--BAD MOVE

    Fair enough, point taken. I can see that, too. I just think that seeing as much of a 'new' album live on the tour for that album kinda 'validates' the material, in a way. I think "Miracle Drug" is a great live song, and I'm surprised it got dropped because, like "One," it seemed to be a focal...
  3. F

    Miracle Drug dropped--BAD MOVE

    The band seems very unsure of itself these days. Weird setlist decisions being only one example. Dropping "Miracle Drug" is a HUGE mistake. I mean, like it or not, this song has become the "centerpiece" new song that every other tour has featured - "Until the End" on Zoo, "Kite" on Elevation...
  4. F

    The Highlight of the Vegas 1 show

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA - that would be the greatest ever.
  5. F

    "I'm not going to turn into Bono."

    i wish they'd play it just because I like the song, political or not. It's too bad that they wrote a political song like that, and now won't play it because it's political..?!? Whatever. Still love them. They're just over-the-top crowd-pleasers.
  6. F

    Let's say the band wanted to play Lemon...

    If you can't sing a song live in a live concert, then you shouldn't be playing the song. End of story. There's really no room for debate, as far as I can see.
  7. F

    Coldplay In the Year 2007

    Someone's REALLY bored.
  8. F

    U2 iPod out of production!

    From what I understand of the original deal (filtered through relation in the biz), it was a package thing with Apple and iPod - Vertigo ad, this ad, any subsequent promo regarding their contract. No $$$ goes U2's way in any of those cases. It was strictly promotional.
  9. F

    Am I the only one who doesn't really like Staring at the Sun?

    I think the lyrics are hit/miss - I feel the same way as the initial poster - I can't put my finger on why the song gets boring for me, because all the elements are in place - good melody, good guitar, good structure, love the bass line. I don't know. I get tired of it easily. The Monster...
  10. F

    Exactly what happened?

    I agree with you there - the lyrics to "New York" are totally in keeping with the beat poetry rhymes and word patterns that Bono got very "fan-boy" with on tracks like "Miami." "New York" is the distillation of that kind of writing, which isn't something Bono's done a lot of in the past, and it...
  11. F

    the trick with Pop is......

    "Discotheque," "Staring At the Sun," and "Gone" turned into the Best-Of versions, and during the rest of it, Larry Mullen came out of my speakers and started shouting at me about how he didn't want to tour.
  12. F

    MERGED--> chigago DVD details.... + DVD Cover + Frickin' Wicked

    And the 5/9 show was better than the 5/10 show - I originally had heard that they were going to do the 9th instead. What happened?
  13. F

    (08-29-2005) U2 Fans Angry at Band's New Web Charge -- Sunday Independent*

    I want to believe that the band cares, too, and I've believed in them for fifteen years - but they do keep making it harder. And if they're so swamped that they can no longer keep a careful eye on their own organization, it's time to evaluate how the whole thing functions.
  14. F

    The Plan to Leak Mercy to the Radio

    If by some unlikely chance a radio station decides to play it (they can be fined and/or shut down if a band with the financial pull of U2 decides to get pissed), I think we could count on an internet shitstorm - goodbye, fan sites. This is an ASININE idea. It's doubtful that the radio...
  15. F

    Surviving HTDAAB songs on the next tour

    Edge said at one point that he liked "Miracle Drug" so much that they'd be playing it for a long time. But he also said something similar about "Walk On." So who the hell knows.
  16. F

    White Stripes slight U2?

    The White Stripes are the most visceral live band I've ever seen, bar none. I've seen them about 10 times, and each time I was floored. Their energy is nuts, and their setlists - well, I saw two shows on back-to-back nights, each show was about 26 songs long, with only 6 or so songs repeated...
  17. F

    May 12, United Center in Chicago

    Yeah, I hate to sound like a bitch, but great timing, guys - find the perfect setlist the day AFTER you film the DVD. This setlist was the damn DVD, right here. Talk about dropping the ball. I can't help but be a little irritated. They should have waited to film the DVD until they had the...
  18. F

    Rolling Stones to Gather Moss Again

    I'll go one better - even WHEN they release a new album, they're still a nostalgia act. They usually only play 2, MAYBE 3 songs from a new record, on the last couple of tours. I love the Stones, for what they were, and I've seen them live, and they're great. But their time has long since...
  19. F

    Chicago 2 Frog in Throat?

    Bono was in great voice at all the Chicago shows.
  20. F

    Why No Crumbs???

    For as great as these shows have been, I think the band is really dropping the ball in terms of some songs that they haven't made a part of the set, and "Crumbs" is a perfect example.
  21. F

    Chicago "Red Eye" Special - PLEASE???!?!

    Hey all - I have a huge favor to ask - There's a free paper in Chicago called "Red Eye," one of those weekly freebies in machines all over the place. Anyway, they did a special weekend edition for the U2 shows which I unfortunately couldn't find yesterday while in town. Is there any way...
  22. F

    Chicago 1 was AMAZING!

    It was flippin' AWESOME. God, they were in dynamic form. I agree with the 'fire' comments, man. "Bad" was beyond belief.
  23. F

    Mr BOLD Chris Martin

    I don't there's really a benchmark for comparison simply because the development rate of bands in the music industry now is forcibly faster. U2's was a building ascension that just became a bigger and bigger monster over many years. To deliberately say, "Okay, my goal is to topple this band...
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