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  1. C

    Songs of Surrender - Discussion, reviews, impressions

    Okay, I meant to quote Headache saying the miracle chorus on SOS is good. Made me like the song better.
  2. C

    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    Right? It's obviously special to them because they didn't let us forget it through subsequent tours and now SOS. Well, as someone said, U2's gonna U2. I think they have a serious case of impostor syndrome, they believe in themselves almost as much as they doubt
  3. C

    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    Dirty Day and Miracle have caught me by surprise
  4. C

    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    Just started on Disc 2, but the album version and also the jimmy kimmel performance cemented Little Things as top tier for me
  5. C

    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    Hey guys, haven't been on here a long time. Totally out of touch with U2 things since SoE. Just knew that songs of surrender will drop on March 17. How are you guys listening to it? Can i get in on it. A PM maybe?
  6. C

    Surrender Memoir Love the Audio Book But Same Old Stories

    This, I'm a journalist and I want to write like him someday. I'm just hundred pages in, but quite impressed by how he's told the story so far. For a guy who got as big as Bono did, there's a remarkable degree of self awareness. Dunno what the OP is talking about. I too am thinking about...
  7. C

    The greatest moment on SOE

    And the ship that Stole your heart away Sets sail When all you've left Is leaving
  8. C

    Happy that they still bleed when cut

    Okay, that's fine. I just think it's great. Like I said, I haven't been on here for a while and so don't know what's getting love or hate here. That's not a dig at you or me thinking that you are swayed by opinions. Just saying that this is an absolutely honest review (I do get swayed sometimes)...
  9. C

    Happy that they still bleed when cut

    I think the first single from a business point of view, should have been summer of love. It's an immediately catchy song, and it is what people might expect from U2. That's another thing. We may all be like 'do something different', but in these idiotic times, they will inevitably be ridiculed...
  10. C

    Happy that they still bleed when cut

    So I planned on posting a review of the album with all the benefit of hindsight on December 1, 2018 – exactly one year after it came out. But procrastination, my lifeblood, prevented that. I am doing my best to do this – which I fancy to be devoid of bias, or as free from it as a U2 fan can be...
  11. C

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Didn't know that, thanks
  12. C

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Okay. It's not just about America, but the middle verse with Lincoln and the face of liberty seems to be part of the last-minute injection of political lyrics. Other than that, the song is pretty obviously about his children/daughter(s). But what other interpretation is there for the middle...
  13. C

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Didn't think you were, just responding and trying to say that it's not just the lyrics or the song meaning that turned me off.
  14. C

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    I agree. There is not an offensive song on this album (haven't listened for almost two weeks now), not even AS. Get Out is just a song that I don't see myself listening to outside the context of the album. EDIT: Sorry, meant to quote Kiwilad saying that it's not offensive.
  15. C

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    It isn't hard to grasp... I just don't like this particular song to their kids. Love many others on the album though.
  16. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Still haven't relistened after stopping more than a week ago. Want to give it more time.
  17. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Hahah... I mean I haven't felt the urge to. The best thing about the best thing is the Edge bridge. I am pretty meh on the rest of the song. Again, it is not offensive to my ears, and I do believe there is a good song in there. The acoustic one is far better, but there is still something not...
  18. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Thats just it... I haven't been belting it out.
  19. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Also, Best Thing is much, much better than the previous two, I agree. But it's still one of the two weakest tracks on the album for me. Also also, Love is Bigger would have been a far better choice as single. That 'If the moonlight caught you crying in Killiney Bay' part is special.
  20. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    I might have gone with Lights of Home (not a favourite of mine on the album itself, but I thought one that has mass appeal) but it would have been too easy a target with the sampling of HAIM. I actually would have gone with Red Flag Day. It has great scope for a video.
  21. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    I dislike California and Miracle... I think even Volcano has a function within the album. Boots, Miracle and Best Thing makes it a hattrick of terrible singles choices.
  22. C

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    I am currently taking a break from the album. Haven't listened to it since Sunday. With the honeymoon period having ended, I feel I have a realistic impression of the album, but will report in detail when I hear it again. Still think it shades SOI for the highs it has. But SOI is a good one all...
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