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  1. krisi83

    Zurich II setlist PARTY part 2

    YouTube - 2010-09-12 Zurich U2 Moment of Surrender snippet filmed by KG.AVI Short close up of Adam's six pack :drool:
  2. krisi83

    Zurich II setlist PARTY part 2

    :lol: We will post a video of it tomorrow...
  3. krisi83

    Zurich II setlist PARTY part 2

    Txs, yes it was really good :hug:. We've got it on video...just saw your link on Facebook to another version :up: . We will sort our videos and post them later or tomorrow
  4. krisi83

    Zurich II setlist PARTY part 2

    Just back from the show. It was a crazy wet night...thank god we had seats. Adam showed off his six pack :drool: and Mercy was superb...Bono changed lots of lyrics...may be his teleprompter had broken! His microphone certainly broke
  5. krisi83

    September 11, 12 2010 - Zurich

    Problems with twitpics
  6. krisi83

    September 11, 12 2010 - Zurich

    Today in Zurich...THE CLAW ARRIVED :drool:
  7. krisi83

    Helsinki I Setlist Party Part 1

    1000 Mikes is working.....:drool: Happy Friday everyone :heart:
  8. krisi83

    Helsinki I Setlist Party Part 1

    :wave: Hi Romi and Hi Laura, Carlos & Diana
  9. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

    That was me :hyper::hyper::hyper: and pauli
  10. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

    :madwife: always during this song....
  11. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

  12. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

    :lol::lol::lol: Did you hear that? The cow responded....god
  13. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

    still haven't found the cow
  14. krisi83

    Horsens II setlist party

    1000 Mikes guy even sounds like Homer :lol:
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