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  1. S

    U2 to play o2 in the Autumn ?

    My mate in the music industry tells me this is TRUE.
  2. S

    Zootv Access All Areas Now Ready...

    hi guys, I still have a few of these available, so send me your lists: I'm particularly after audio recordings....
  3. S

    Zootv Access All Areas Now Ready...

    Hi, I've still got a few left, so any traders out there, send me your emails!!! chrs
  4. S

    Zootv Access All Areas Now Ready...

    Tape 1 ‘I’m Learning To Lie’ 1. 00/00/91 Newsround The Fly report 2mins 2. 00/00/91 MTV Rockumentary 8mins 3. 00/00/91 Achtung Baby in-store promo video 5mins 4. 00/00/91 Achtung Baby TV ad 1 1min 5. 00/00/91 Achtung Baby TV ad 2 1.5mins 6. 00/00/91 Achtung Baby TV ad 3 1min 7. 27/02/92 ‘One’...
  5. S

    Zootv Access All Areas Now Ready...

    Hi, Send me an email to as there's stuff here I'm interested in, particularly your cd concerts. chrs
  6. S

    Zootv Access All Areas Now Ready...

    Hi guys, THIS ZOOTV ACCESS ALL AREAS IS READY FOR TRADE!!!!!!! I have copies of this on DVD, 4 DVDs in total and this compilation is now ready for TRADE ONLY (as I want to beef up my collection again!). The collection is great. There has been a slight deteriation of quality as the masters...
  7. S

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    Hi guys, THIS ZOOTV ACCESS ALL AREAS IS READY FOR TRADE!!!!!!! I have copies of this on DVD, 4 DVDs in total and this compilation is now ready for TRADE ONLY (as I want to beef up my collection again!). The collection is great. There has been a slight deteriation of quality as the masters...
  8. S HELP!!!!!!!!

    Renewed my sub in November and heven't been able to log-in since. Have sent over 20 requests for new passwrod etc but no reply. They've also sent me the wrong CD. The phone number on the fanfire invoice is a pharmaceutical company!!! Does anyone have a telephone number, or email for someone...
  9. S

    How good is U2?

    It's so subjective. But I have to say, I think the Stones are MASSIVELY overrated. Yes, they had a period of ten years when they knocked out some great tunes, but since the late 70s, none of their music has done anything for me (apart from Anyone Seen My Baby).
  10. S

    Received U2 ZOO TV LIVE

    I've got mine. And they've sent me the COmmunication from last year. Such amateurs.
  11. S problems...

    Hi, Has anyone recently renewed their subscription and are having problems logging in. I've just shelled out and the website won't let me in. Have sent numerous requests for new password/login details but (naturally) haven't heard back. Is there an email address I should contact?
  12. S

    Uk sales not that good?

    I doubt the band expected much from this. It's the third greatest hits compile, a blatant stocking-filler, and here's been bugger-all promotion for it in the UK.
  13. S

    WITS - great track but why?

    off the back of U2 fans buying it. Watch it drop like a stone out of the top 20 next week. It aint getting any airplay and thus it's not promoting the forthcoming album.
  14. S

    WITS - great track but why?

    I would have stuck with just Wondows, or re-hashed a B-side, like Lady With The Spinning Head which is MASSIVELY underrated.
  15. S

    WITS - great track but why?

    I personally think the new track is great and yes, there's a tuch of Beatles in it. A nice little ditty. But here's the issue. Why have they released this to radio now, the week that Saints has been released and in mid-November when the track isn't released until 1st Jan? Here's my opinion...
  16. S

    MERGED ----> I wonder what can offer...renewing subscriptions... + membership renewal... Is it me or is it a bit odd that they're offering U2 Communication again for subscribers? So you get one for renewing last year, and now another for renewing again. Pointless. And (whisper it quietly) lazy.
  17. S

    MERGED ----> Definitive collection tracklisting predictions/discussions

    i think the clue is in the story as they refer to U2's 'best known' tracks. That, in my opinion, rules out Bad, Until, Electric CO etc. I put Gloria in there purely to have a track from October. Remember, this is a CD for your casual U2 fan, not hardocre like ourselves. So I doubt...
  18. S

    MERGED ----> Definitive collection tracklisting predictions/discussions

    Definitive collection obvious tracklisting... I think it's fairly obvious that they'll take one track from each album for this collection, and two from the three biggest sellers (Tree, Baby and Bomb). Therefore, i'd be surprised if there's much different from the following: I Will Follow...
  19. S

    Looking for Twickers 18th June....

    Hi, Could anyone kindly B&P this for me? I'm in the UK.
  20. S

    UK traders wanted

    you've got mail.
  21. S

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    good to hear you liked them. I was really pleased with the way they turned out.
  22. S

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    You're a legend! cheers Alan
  23. S

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    Ok, here’s the deal. I am the originator of the compilation and I am now willing to let my MASTER VHS recordings go to someone that can burn them onto DVD. The guy that was doing this previously has disappeared off the face of the earth and therefore I’ve decided to give it, and us all, one...
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