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  1. madzia

    August 6 2010, Stadio Olimpico, Turin Italy

    Thank you Pluspol! :)
  2. madzia

    August 6 2010, Stadio Olimpico, Turin Italy

    question for those who bought tix on presale or might know the answer from any other source: is there any mention on the site on where the stage will be placed - I would like to buy the cheap tickets but NOT behind the stage and don't know which curve should I avoid to restrain myself...
  3. madzia

    FLAG-MOB - Chorzow 6th August 2009

    :heart: You can count on me my friend! Again :) Will let know all my friends that I know are going! :)
  4. madzia

    Miscellaneous Picture Mix PT. 9

    Max, the one you quoted is the largest version I have... If you want, I can send you other versions of this photograph - write to me ( and I will forward them to you. I knew PLEBA was the right place to post such a rarity :camera:
  5. madzia

    Miscellaneous Picture Mix PT. 9

    I can tell you it is real. It's taken from the book that was just released in Poland with the interview with Pope's official photographer (book is called 'See you in paradise'). My friend just scanned and send it over. The larger version (take it as a lurker's input :))
  6. madzia

    Miscellaneous Picture Mix PT. 9

    ...and you thought you will not see it ever...
  7. madzia

    If I have a Polish question but can't say it in Polish can I ask it in here anyway?

    maybe I cannot cook but I surely know Polish dishes.... at least the tasty ones - and this one looks tasty... I've seen those before but I wouldn't bet it's a Polish delicacy - I would rather bet on Chech or Slovakian origin. Bow to the google supremacy and check...
  8. madzia

    If I have a Polish question but can't say it in Polish can I ask it in here anyway?

    hmmm... if I only knew what you meant by 'kolocky' I would gladly help... I'm staring at the above searching my memory for something called 'kolocky' and have no idea what are you talking about... (but maybe it's because as I'm wildly known for not having any culinary skills whatsoever...
  9. madzia

    MERGED--> Fan ACTION for Katowice - Slaski Stadium + U2-PL Fan Action for Slaski

    just to bump it... :bump: and be sure you won't forget about white&red! I'm already cutting my moms old curtains to give away to people in GA queue...
  10. madzia

    MERGED--> Fan ACTION for Katowice - Slaski Stadium + U2-PL Fan Action for Slaski

    take a train! (taxi - too expensive, bus - too risky in terms of timing, lemon - already taken ;) ) here you can find the connections: and be sure to get there early! As far as I know Chorzow stadium is quite near the main station in Katowice but maybe...
  11. madzia

    MERGED--> Fan ACTION for Katowice - Slaski Stadium + U2-PL Fan Action for Slaski

    If I will see 5 topless English guys waving with their red t-shirts I will know to whom to complain (or be thankful ;)) I don't think anybody will be offended as far as the tops are the right colour! Go England! (just after Poland of course ;) )
  12. madzia

    MERGED--> Fan ACTION for Katowice - Slaski Stadium + U2-PL Fan Action for Slaski

    The news are spreading over the net and media - so fingers crossed and let's hope it will work!!!! :applaud:
  13. madzia

    MERGED-->I give you Vertigo + VERTIGO is here!!!

    sooner than you think!!! higher quality people!!!!! or
  14. madzia

    U2's Dublin: Dockers: Where Everybody Knows You?re a Fan*

    oh great memories! even if this pub wasn't a fan's mekka I would prefer it from all the Temple pubs crowded with tourists and hen/stag parties! you can see there some signs of U2 presence: > famous sunglasses that I had a chance to make a photo with - the closest encounter to U2 i had so far...
  15. madzia

    Bonos around the world

    a guy from Irish cover band - Rattle&Hum and some pop-guy I met during fan gathering:
  16. madzia

    I love U2 - how do you say that?

    Kocham U2!----->it's Polish (it's 22 I suppose :))
  17. madzia

    troy - nie podgladaj ...

    fajnego mam avatara, nie? <-----------------------
  18. madzia

    edgerrific arnold-like gnome

    OMD! I go away for couple of months and lookie what happens... I need few more months to learn how to use all of those new thingies... ok, to the point: lookie what @U2 found... wouldn't you all like to have this wonderful garden hero in front of your house? spooky? perhaps... edgie of your...
  19. madzia

    troy - nie podgladaj ...

    no, w koncu... a juz myslalam, ze nie zauwazysz... ciekawe, czy jest tu jeszcze ktos z Polski... zrobilo sie tu teraz troszke pustawo i nudnawo po odwolaniu trasy, ale zawsze tak jest miedzy plytami. zreszta na @u2pl jest podobnie... teraz juz tu tak czesto nie zagladam i prawie wcale nie...
  20. madzia

    ATTN: Your help is needed to create the largest U2 image archive on the net!!

    Sicy, is there a way to see what piccies are already in so we wouldn't repeat the same uploads ? ------------------ Under pressure, but not bent out of shape Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching
  21. madzia

    ATTN: Your help is needed to create the largest U2 image archive on the net!!

    ***just to bump it up*** splendid idea Elvis!!! no more Webshots and pix deleting! YAY! ***over 80 uploaded, still over 1000 to come...*** ------------------ Under pressure, but not bent out of shape Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no...
  22. madzia

    Bono's appartment piccies

    Consider yourself lucky... the didn't let my one foot in the hotel! maybe 'cause I look like a creepy stalker? naaah... ------------------ Under pressure, but not bent out of shape Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching
  23. madzia

    Bono's appartment piccies

    Yes, but it was rather boring... blah blah blah... look at those light colours... blah blah blah... look how nice original and modern elements are combined to obtain this look... blah blah blah... nothing interesting and no half-naked Bono pix under the shower! Well... what can I say - it's...
  24. madzia

    Bono's appartment piccies

    Hello all of you obsessed ones!!! One of polish magazines called "House&Interior" published pictures of privat appartments on top of Clarence Hotel. I have them scanned and ready to show to you but unfortunately I suffer on red-x disease as I don't have time to move my 1500 piccies from...
  25. madzia

    who did it? Acrobat question

    Thank you CAT!!!
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