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  1. S

    Yet Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Hello All, I'm going to sell my rose colored Bvlgari 610s - Stuck in a Moment video version...perfect condition. I can send you a picture via email with me wearing them. Email me if interested.
  2. S

    Yet Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Are the so called K-Mart's the real deal? Diesels? Or the replicas? If they are the real ones, what is the make and model #? We've been calling them Diesels for years and no one has verified the make and model # ??
  3. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Do NOT trust ioffer!
  4. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    No no, called K-Marts because the one event Bono wore them at was the Pop Mart launch held at K-Mart. The sunglasses are allegedly Diesels and the real McCoys have never surfaced though some replicas have.
  5. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    I, personally, have never seen them on ebay the last 5 years and never onsale at any site for at least that long, if not longer -- and only have seen them up for grabs maybe once or twice through a trade here. That's how rare.
  6. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    No question the pic shows the 519s. Whether that's a mistake and it's really the 610's who knows. Anyone who knows Portugese?
  7. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Sorry everyone, I spaced...I have the 3244 yellows, not 3214' if interested.
  8. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Well, until you guys get Mikli to reissue the 3214s, I'm thinking of selling my yellow 3214s. Anyone who's interested, email me:
  9. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Possibly. Send me a private message.
  10. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Totally agree. 611s, to me, are too big for regular wear. 610s are just right. Very similar scenario with the Mikli 3214s (too big) & 3244s (just right). Just my my opinion.
  11. S

    Selling my Bono Shades Collection

    What happened to the emerald 519s?
  12. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Actually these have been around for many years - at least 6 or 7 - I have them in green and bought them in probably about '04 or so. And they are much smaller than the Miklis. Actually a very nice.
  13. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Agreed. Close, and lense color is about right, but definitely more rounded.
  14. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    They don't make them anymore, but do a reoccurring search on ebay each day and they're bound to turn up. They're not as rare as, say, the 519's. I see them pop up fairly often.
  15. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Right, I posted this a few months ago. Its a kids show called Big Time Rush. I actually tried to contact the actor and the costume person on that show. No response. I don't think the Diesels are out there per se, but the exact style and frame is commonplace for motorcycle shades. There are...
  16. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    626, actually. I've got these in very light brown. They're oK, but a little small.
  17. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    I bought from them, they were very reputable.
  18. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Correct... And as has been discussed here often, the size is very relative to your own face. I don't at all agree that the 9294s look too small on an average size face. On the contrary, I think the 9285's look massive on an average sized face. The difference between the two is much like the...
  19. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Well, I wouldn't do what I did -- at least not with that place for tinting. Came out too light - at least they didn't charge me and at least the clear lenses were only $10 to start with. I'm not done trying. I'm taking them to my own local eyeglass place, but if that doesn't work, I'm folding...
  20. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    I'm blanking -- which ones are those? can you send a link of an example or a shot of them?
  21. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Wow, I have to say, that really surprises me. I've had nothing but good experiences dealing with him.
  22. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    I did...thanks for sending the pics. I'll email you back.
  23. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    sorry, forgot my email;
  24. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    I'd like to see some pics please.
  25. S

    Another New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Well, it's all relative. To me, the 9285's only look good if you have a very large head.
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