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  1. GraceRyan

    PGP:we're hanging with penguins while waiting for U2 to show up!

    So Pleba is literally 3 people now? I think most must have migrated to Facebook groups.
  2. GraceRyan

    Seconds - Chapter 19

    Well I wasn't the only writer. I'm not sure how my co-writer would feel about my taking it up alone.
  3. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 33

    Hey all. As life does, it gets in the way. I have half of the next chapter but I have to finish part two. Stayed tune.
  4. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 33

    Thank you!
  5. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 33

    I was so busy working on the next chapter that I forgot to post this. As always, none of this actually occurred. I may have taken some liberties with actual events to suit my own greedy author purposes. I love to hear your thoughts. Thanks and thank you for still reading and caring about this...
  6. GraceRyan

    PGP:we're hanging with penguins while waiting for U2 to show up!

    If you were to liken that song to another U2 song...what would it be?
  7. GraceRyan

    PGP:we're hanging with penguins while waiting for U2 to show up!

    September 8th if all goes to plan. According to rumors it is Best Thing. Do they have 2 songs based on 'things'? Best Thing and Little Things. Then there will Thing #3.
  8. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 32

    I have something a bit grander than 'what's this letter?' planned. *rubs hands together*
  9. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 32

    Thank you! The letters? I don't know. I don't think so at this point.
  10. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - 32

    It's funny. No one ever goes into PLEBA anymore. I wonder why. Since it is my birthday, I am posting another short chapter. The next few chapters are tiny snapshots of time that stretch between the South African shows and South America - when Gloria finally rejoins the tour. Without further...
  11. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 31

    Same. My husband was going to take me to see it before it closed and I couldn't justify $150 to not stare at Bono and Edge for two plus hours.
  12. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 31

    You should see my Sherlock fiction. I kill and maim people.
  13. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 31

    Some of the music was really good. I liked Boy Falls from the Sky from the first time they debuted it in Portugal during 360. Can't Walk Away is Good and Anywhere But Here. That's pretty much it. Rise Above is just okay. But the lyrics fit to the story. Thank you for your lovely comments. They...
  14. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 31

    It's the Moonlighting phenomenon. Once everyone is happily ever after, it's over. I am terrible because I really make them suffer to get to the end result
  15. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 31

    First and foremost, this is all fake. It happened as a tour but that's where the truth ends. So this is beginning to pick up some steam - at least in terms of writing. The next few chapters will feature letters that Bono writes during Gloria's absence. I hope it moves the story to it's climax...
  16. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    I just read Acrobat again.
  17. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    I was on a family Vacation but I'm back to the next chapter. I find the more I write, I need to go back and read the original story.
  18. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    As soon as you approve me!
  19. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    I'm @punkroxmum name is EnduringChill
  20. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    Sadly yes. I need to upgrade but I can't at the moment. Are you on Twitter?
  21. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    Oh my goodness! Thank you for reminding me. Now I just need to remember what it was and how it should play out. PSA kids - don't abandon work for so long that you forget key parts of the story
  22. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    Well, it DID drag me away for a bit. Don't worry. Gloria does not become Benedict Cumberbatch's agent. Bono has nothing to fear from that.
  23. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - Chapter 30

    This is not real though based on a very real tour. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Comments are always welcomed. :) Lawyers and accountants. Investor and contractors. Bono was tired of meetings with all of them. While he knew that a Broadway musical would be challenging, he hadn't anticipated...
  24. GraceRyan

    So...Mysterious Ways

    FB IM works. So does email. ❤️❤️❤️
  25. GraceRyan

    Mysterious Ways - chapter 29

    I might have the next chapter up tonight. I had to read it again. I had a few chapters half written in my PMs (looks at Gg) and couldn't remember what had not been posted. I had forgotten how bloody epic that tour was. Like 100 legs.
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