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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. T

    u2 live in Greece

    i wish my friend they will come in Croatia and also in Greece..I wish!!
  2. T

    u2 live in Greece

    I wish my friend they would come especially in peace and friendship stadium..i live about 5 minytes far from the stadium!!
  3. T

    U2 live in Greece

    I would like to ask if anyone believe that u2 is possible to come and play in Athens..but first i would like to remind you the reputation of Athens after the olympics.Do you think is a good time for u2 to come for second time in Greece?
  4. T

    u2 live in Greece

    u2 live in athens I wish they will come.......!!!!!I can't wait.......if not i'll go to see them in Rome or Milan..!!PLEASE COME TO GREECE..!!!!!!!
  5. T

    u2 live in Greece

    Does anyone thing that u2 are going to play in Greece?In 1997 they had a great live in Thessaloniki.I think that they can do 2 shows,the first in Thessaloniki again and the second in Athens.Don't forget that after the olympic gsmes,Athens has been known i think that they can do a...
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