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  1. Canadninan

    Wanted: 2 GA for Tulsa

    Wanted: 2 GA for Tulsa: Thinking about doing the drive since it's not too far from home!
  2. Canadninan

    Wanted: 2 Gas for Vegas 1 or a pair of LA 1GAs

    Got three codes this morning could not score GA tickets for Chi, Vegas, or LA
  3. Canadninan

    Ticket drops!

    Please post ticket drops here! Did not see one yet so I decided to start one, got so many tickets because of awesome people who have posted in these threads!:wave::wave:
  4. Canadninan

    Tulsa and Vegas GA wanted!

    I remember you you sold me Gas to Minnie for 360 tour (I am from NM too)! - This is an awesome trader everyone!
  5. Canadninan

    Ga for vegas

    I am looking for Gas for Vegas as well
  6. Canadninan

    7/01 – Cleveland, OH – FirstEnergy Stadium

    Awesome photos from the show! Awesome tour photos! :)
  7. Canadninan

    Ticket "drops"

    Last tour we were extremely lucky with the "ticket drops" for Chicago, Phoenix, and Toronto shows a few days before the gigs took place. Does anyone think this will happen again this tour?
  8. Canadninan

    2 GAs for Dublin Croke Park

    Anyone have any extras?
  9. Canadninan

    2017 Joshua Tree Tour: Ticket Prices

    I agree this is total crap that they did this to WIRE group! What is the point of the presale? Everyone I know who had yesterdays group had no problem.
  10. Canadninan

    GA - paperless tickets

    Use prepaid Visa cards to buy your tickets! Went to 8 shows ans never got ID'ed.
  11. Canadninan

    2017 Joshua Tree Tour: Ticket Prices

    E-ticket mess again So how is eeryone dealing with the E-ticket mess like last time for GAs?
  12. Canadninan

    TICKET DROPS thread

    You were so right about the 12 noon to 3 pm thing! I got a pair around 12 I just a had to keep trying on TM app. Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  13. Canadninan

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Anyone have extra gas for tomorrow's TOronto show? Will be in town Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  14. Canadninan

    All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

    Lol k cool I will actually be at the Toronto shows I only have night two but hoping to get night 1 in a ticket drop! Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  15. Canadninan

    All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

    Awesome thanks so much I am not going but was asking for a friend going to Tuesdays show! Do you remember me you helped me sell a pair of my tickets last tour in Toronto! Lol Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  16. Canadninan

    All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

    Does anyone know how they did the lines in Montreal did they do a number system like the others or do you have to wait all day? Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  17. Canadninan


    No empty water bottles unless they are the U2 one lol that is what security told me in Phoenix! Thought that was really dumb! Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  18. Canadninan

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Wow really? That is so cool, someone sent it to me the last tour! Great shot! Is this ok with you?
  19. Canadninan

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Saw this on a Arizona U2 fan Facebook page: As noted by some ticket drops are 48, 24, and 12 hours before the shows.
  20. Canadninan

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Got two Gas for Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys!!!!!:wave::wave::wave::heart::heart::heart::heart:
  21. Canadninan

    July 7, 2015 - Toronto, ON - Air Canada Centre

    Will be there can not wait!!!! ???? Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  22. Canadninan

    June 25, 2015 - Chicago, IL - United Center

    Will be there!!! Can not wait for Chicago!! ? Happy girls are the prettiest girls... Audrey Hepburn
  23. Canadninan

    California (There Is No End To Love) - Song Discussion

    Love this one, it puts me in an instant good mood! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  24. Canadninan

    Sleep Like A Baby Tonight - Song Discussion

    Very sexy tune!!!! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  25. Canadninan

    July 23, 2011 TCF Stadium Minneapolis III: Stuck In A Heat Wave You Can't Get Out Of

    I can't wait!!!! Is it Saturday yet!??? :cute::cute::cute:
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