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  1. Addicted To Bad

    Leather Day ~ Let me see those baby blues

    One of my favorite....ever !! I haven´t been here for some time bus it´s always a PLEASURE ... Thanks for all you girls. :wave::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
  2. Addicted To Bad

    More U2 360° Tour 2011 Photos

    Bye...! I´ll be back....:sexywink: Love you all ... who love U2 ....:heart:
  3. Addicted To Bad

    More U2 360° Tour 2011 Photos

  4. Addicted To Bad

    More U2 360° Tour 2011 Photos

  5. Addicted To Bad

    More U2 360° Tour 2011 Photos

    :heart::heart::heart::heart: In Brasil !!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:
  6. Addicted To Bad

    More U2 360° Tour 2011 Photos

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: In Brasil !!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Hi! Everybody! I haven´t been here for a lonnnnnng time...missing all of you ....
  7. Addicted To Bad

    U2 themed tattoos

    The way I like....just simple ...just like that!! :up:
  8. Addicted To Bad

    U2 360° Tour 2010 Photos 5

    Nanazoca... I just loved all your wallpapers.....They´re LOVELY !! :up::applaud::cute::love::drool:
  9. Addicted To Bad

    U2 Wedding Cake

    Hmmm...this cake must be delicious......:cute::drool: Surely it´s the most interesting and cutest I´ve ever seen .....:sexywink:
  10. Addicted To Bad

    They're Back! 360 Tour 2010 Photos 2

    I haven´t been here for a looooooong time...but this is a gooooooooood reason to be back!!!
  11. Addicted To Bad

    U2 vs Coldplay poll - vote now!

    ...and the winner is .. :ohmy:
  12. Addicted To Bad

    Seen better days haven't they?!

    and I like you...doctorwho !! :up:
  13. Addicted To Bad

    Bono is 50! and old

    :heart: "The old wine is better" :heart: :cute:
  14. Addicted To Bad

    Happy Birthday Bono!

    Just to say: :heart:I LOVE YOU, BONO !!:heart: (since you were Baby Bono... I believe you will be our Baby forever) :sexywink:
  15. Addicted To Bad

    Bono's Height-SOLVED!!!

    :hmm: :rolleyes: :applaud:
  16. Addicted To Bad

    Bono impersonator at the 2010 Namm Show

    I must admit "that person" can really confuse people at the first sight - but just people - not real fans like us. Sicy is right - to let people believe you are the real thing is definitely not cool. This is really sad!! :crack:
  17. Addicted To Bad

    Ali Thread #10

    Lovely couple all the ways :cute:
  18. Addicted To Bad

    I "heart" No line on the horizon

    Just :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: are allowed here.... must be that :shifty:
  19. Addicted To Bad

    Pic Request:Bono early 2000 era

    OH!!!!!!!!! MY................. :faint: :combust:
  20. Addicted To Bad

    Bono to perform at concert this friday!

    Just to say: :bow::heart: to your avi, Shaun.. Ok..back to the topic
  21. Addicted To Bad

    Daytona 500 commercial on FOX features "Bad"

    Couldn´t be a better song.
  22. Addicted To Bad

    Things you made because of U2

    I became and addicted to.......many...many things because of U2. My parents say I should see a psychologist....:crack: Things I have made?? can´t tell you. What.The.Fuck.
  23. Addicted To Bad

    I love Fez-being born

    Fez is brilliant....:drool: :scream:..Mikal...where are you???????? ...:shifty:..maybe in Fez....
  24. Addicted To Bad

    Miscellaneous Picture Mix #33

    The rosary + the lace + the chest + blue eyes + serious look = :faint: :loveshower:
  25. Addicted To Bad

    U2 themed tattoos

    I loved it ComaGirl!! Perfect and beautiful...:rockon: Nice choice.... One :drool:
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