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  1. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Forget tiktokers with the attention spam of a hamster and lazy reviews. JT2017 and SoI tours were hits. I remember people moaning about Spiderman debacle... And they bounced back with 360. And we all know the comeback after they got shot down for Rattle and Hum... Nice to see the vaults...
  2. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Could be done. When did Lillywhite join for Bomb recording in Spring 2004? Was it March or April when it was first reported? And they up in time for.the traditional August time off/Fall release.
  3. U2girl

    Will Larry Return to U2?

    The point of the surgeries is so he can go on playing which includes touring. If he cant tour they will quit.
  4. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Cool to see SOA finally being recognized as a legit album in the works ...
  5. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Ok then. Here is what hus band mates had to say. It sounds like he loved playing. And played loads. Reflecting on Mullen Jr laying down ‘Atomic City’ in LA, Bono said: “It’s really tricky for him. And he came in the night before we recorded it in Sound City. So many stories in that studio. And...
  6. U2girl

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    Ok. They were pushing it with the Sphere dates as is...if Larry is no more they should quit.
  7. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Glorify being a RSD single makes the most sense. Brittany Howard has a new album coming, and Glorify is not on it. Certainly , SOA* or "Unreasonable guitars" album are nowhere near. As for Larry theories, easy tigers. The current plan is recording this year and a tour in Spring 2025. Plenty of...
  8. U2girl

    U2 at the Grammys

    too bad re: editing.
  9. U2girl

    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    Whats hilarous is people whining about hits in the setlist are now suddenly defending lazy choices. AB b -sides, Zooropa, many options. Same goes for JT30 encore...Jt b sides, RaH tunes. This is all about specific albums so the encore should comply. This isnt a gig for the casuals...
  10. U2girl

    So is Bram ?

    Now that the opening night audio/video do you rate him ? Is he sticking to studio/Larry parts or is he adding his own touch to the songs? I only heard Zoo station, which sounded book. Desire sounds a tad different.
  11. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    This is not a U2 rawk single. They finally stopped that. It is fun, catchy. Easily their best single since Vertigo. Edge seems to, finally, be moving away from chimes/rawk riffs that plagued their output in the last 20 years. Mix that with being AB-ied in Vegas and...
  12. U2girl

    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    Again a bad encore, just like JT2017/2019. album in sequence. Photos look cool...
  13. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Good video. This is, Blondie/Clash ripoff aside, very catchy. Better single than anything on the last three albums. The Fly shades are back !
  14. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Ah yes. The ultimate rock band.? Nowhere near the Blondie ripoff in the chorus. Or Edge ripping off the Clash in the verses.
  15. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Ripping off the Clash and Blondie. Not really hearing "unreasonable guitars"...but this is likely a standalone single, not a new album preview. Still. Good to see Larry and this has more single potential than Boots/Miracle/Blackout.
  16. U2girl

    Random Movie Talk XV: You Asked For It, Cobbler

    Latest Indiana Jones. Eh.
  17. U2girl

    Daniel Lanois interview

    3 hours
  18. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Maybe. Neil can say a lot of things. Doesnt mean it will happen.
  19. U2girl

    U2 to Perform First Concerts at MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

    Yeah. Lets not focus on the drummer and original/founding member missing 12 shows. Paychecks talks, bs walks. No way this would happen with Bono or Edge. Btw...why is their best live album not getting a world wide anniversary tour but instead a mere dozen shows at an exclusive venue ?
  20. U2girl

    U2 to Perform First Concerts at MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

    Cool: the ad. Not cool: no Larry.
  21. U2girl

    New Album Discussion 9 - Larry needs new arms, ba rum pa pum pum

    Maybe there will be more guitars on SOS than we think so Pride got the nod first. This one is really good, if somewhat abrupt ending. Definitely has me intriguided about the album more than Pride. Wonder if well get a "Adam" and "Larry" CD singles before the release date since Pride and Wowy...
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