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  1. Party Boy

    After 23 years away from Interference, I’M BACK, BABY!

    Hello! Similar boat.. although I have dropped in now and then over the years.. but not consistently for about 15 or so years. Managed to keep original user name alive tho!
  2. Party Boy

    20 years since the Mercy leak

    Those halcyon days of Interference when you couldn't get a word in edgeways..
  3. Party Boy

    I've Been on Interference So Long...

    I remember the fake edge answered one of my questions. I've been gone so long, when I check out all the the members on my friends list, the most recent activity from any of them dates back to 2011...
  4. Party Boy

    Almost Finished with U2

    I always remember one of the last scenes in The Truman Show. When Truman finally escapes and everyone watching cheers, once the transmission ends, someone asks what else is on TV. U2, Interference, your fav. shoes etc. It's easy to get caught up in something that can last for years.. but...
  5. Party Boy

    I've Been on Interference So Long...

    All the folk I have on friends list haven't checked in since 2013 or 2014! I guess the last few albums didn't hit home enough to get them back online!
  6. Party Boy

    I've Been on Interference So Long...

    I remember when folk used to post on Interference. In all seriousness, I've not been on here for years and years. What happened to everyone? Used to be a hive of activity.
  7. Party Boy

    RIP RavenBlue

    I haven't been here for years. Never too late to send condolences. RIP.
  8. Party Boy

    I've Been on Interference So Long...

    First time back visiting in god knows how many years.. not as active as it used to be?
  9. Party Boy

    SOI Promotional Apearances

    I tend to find trolls worse..
  10. Party Boy

    LP13 - It all comes down to this...

    In fairness, his history of new music shows are pretty epic..
  11. Party Boy

    LP13 - It all comes down to this...

    Sounds like the end of the song. Clip seems to indicate November release..
  12. Party Boy

    LP13 - It all comes down to this...

    Has this been posted? From Alan Cross -a music buff and big U2 fan here in Canada. If it has, apologies - didn't bother going through previous threads. A Journal of Musical ThingsIs This 20 Seconds of Music from U2's New Album, Sirens? » A Journal of Musical Things
  13. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Should have called it visible. Maybe tomorrow. Going for a beer.
  14. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    The problem with Ozil is that he doesn't have any pace to pass the ball to. Giroud is good at holding up but he's as slow as molasses. We need 1, maybe 2 new forwards.. I remember Pires not having a great first season and he turned out amazing
  15. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Ha.. you're a Manure fan right? Tough times.. tough times...
  16. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Missing some serious pace - Walcott is a big loss plus Ramsey (in addition to scoring) was one of our best ball winners. If we finish top 3, that's progress. Money to spend in the summer.
  17. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Ah yeah.. didn't we do some sort of prediction league for awhile? Arsenal...but let's not talk about Saturday...
  18. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    I wonder if Glastonbury, Return of Stingray Guitar etc. will ever see the light of day?
  19. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Ha- indeed. Been too busy getting married and having kids (3rd due end of May) plus things had been very quite on the U2 front for the past few years..but.. new album brings out the fan in me again!
  20. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    I certainly remember you! I think we used to have quite a few conversations around the time HTDAAB came out?
  21. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    One and the same! I haven't been here for quite a while - maybe 2/3 years if not longer. Still here in Toronto (originally from Ireland).. did I meet you a long time ago??
  22. Party Boy

    Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

    Video it's self is of less interest than hearing the song - hopefully it's the full version and not the Red Edit version (which I like!).
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