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    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Well put. "Luckiest" is both trite (in lyric) and clunky (in melody).
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    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    My experience as well. Obviously the start of ZS is rousing but nothing else came close to the energy for Streets. Which is to say that even with all the flash there’s no rivaling that emotional connection with the band.
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    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    Bono’s mic didn’t seem to be working properly for the first third of the show. Sounded muffled and lots of whistling feedback. He had a couple of side bar conversations with a tech and seemed to be escorted off the stage for a moment. Made a funny comment later about the sphere falling apart.
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    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I've gotten the "oh wow, I hear that venue is supposed to be amazing just wish it was a different band."
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    Sphere #2 setlist party

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    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    Obviously the point is the LEDs. Even still, that stage is underwhelming and awkwardly confining.
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    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    I think there’s a middle ground. Daddy’s Gonna Pay Lemon Zooropa Beautiful Day/Vertigo/Elevation Running/Bad Streets WOWY For me, Atomic City can be the taped go-home track.
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    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    Did I miss the Zooropa-themed encore?
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    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    This encore is…..something.
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    Sphere Show #1 Setlist Party

    Sounds terrific. Streamer tripping balls.
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    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Don’t care for the new track at all. The post-punk (or whatever) style does nothing for me… Edge’s backing a-ha’s in the pre-chorus are so vapid and I’m checked out by the time Bono gets to his freedom fluff. They need to drill down on that solo/bridge portion. Spark of life there.
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    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    It’s most definitely a finished lyric. I wish “love is god and god is love” was bongolese. Hopefully this dud is just promotional fodder.
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    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    At this point, it's as if SOS never happened. I do recall thinking The Miracle was better than the original.
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    Songs of Surrender - Discussion, reviews, impressions

    Mine finally updated with an expected delivery date literally an hour ago.
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    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    The Miracle is wholly new. A wonderful and proper ode. Love this.
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    New Album Discussion 10 - Songs of Sir, this is a Wendy's, durr

    The issue with Bono going full lib wonk are the insufferable platitudes he ham-fists into seemingly every new lyric.
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