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  1. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    "There's been a lot of talk, about this next song, maybe too much talk--this song is not yet another song about California, this song is: 'Californication'.." - Anthony Kiedis
  2. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I don't even think he's really even that reinventive (not meant in a bad way, but in a sense that there are certain Nick Cave aesthetic fundamentals that don't change) so to speak. But I do think his quality control is virtually unparalleled. Thom Yorke/Radiohead/The Smile, but they're a decade...
  3. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    If Andy Greene weren't essentially on retainer for them there, perhaps.
  4. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yes, horrors for even mentioning her (thank you for acknowledging this). But the point, or my point, at least, isn't that U2 and Bruce continue to do things, it's the quality of the output. And even though it could be argued that Bruce has kept to a relatively higher standard in his elder...
  5. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I would also add four decades of increasingly incredible wealth/privilege/insulation from “normal person” (or worse) problems, give or take some health scares. The course of such a swath of time usually doesn’t do wonders for the creative (or at least daring) drive.
  6. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yup--this is I think the single hardest I've ever seen them go: Edit: Oh I misread it as "Mofo"--point stands.
  7. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    It is definitely the watershed of their career for a lot of us, and conveniently because it came out at the turn of the century, it enables one to refer to "20th c./21st c. U2" knowing that ATYCLB is the fulcrum there.
  8. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Attitudinally, it's a throwback to "pre-irony" U2 for sure, give or take an "Elevation".
  9. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album 😏🪩😩
  10. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Oh—they’re dumb, alright (winking at DeVaul).. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you fellow Yank clowns and rats. Ehh happy Thanksgiving to all of youse guys. If only we could communally watch Live in Sydney for its (belated) 31st oh wait…… 🥰🦃😩
  11. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yea, the only time they really got it right was Zooropa being “U2 on the Moon”, and even that mostly just describes the title track.
  12. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    This is a song Brian Eno stole from the Beatles, we’re stealing it back.
  13. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    1. Certainly down there. 2. What are you smoking. 3. Not at all.
  14. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Get those 20th c. songs off of there—pronto, Tonto. Yea GOOYOW is shallow but at least it’s ripping off two of their best songs (WOWY & BD). The “rawk”, or rather, what they think is “rawk”, is the worst. Yea, Miracle at least actually has a pretty solid/memorable chorus. One of the worst...
  15. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    A great truism re: vinyl, but must also personally admit I’m someone who was never part of the Mercy Saga (whilst otherwise very must present for the era).
  16. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Yea what Nellee is “radiating” here feels like every Danger Mouse interview I saw around SOI. Both just totally over whatever they were working on ad nauseam.
  17. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    But the 22nd is your 20th anniversary too on here so 🎉
  18. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Possible dig at “blissfully ignorant” people is my best guess. The assumption being that they don’t feel (pleasure and more to the point, pain) perhaps as deeply as “deeper” people who tend to feel pain and suffering more acutely.
  19. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    🎶the best hair about me!🎶 (best part of that song, that very ‘90s U2 chord change back into the verse)
  20. F

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Ahhh, but “Beautiful Day” is the “most-recent common ancestor” of them all.
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