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  1. HumanMusicGroup

    info: shirts from the site "relaunch" (2000/2001?)

    Adding some context (as in, I went to storage and found the shirt), and based on the very fine text under the logo, it appears to have a 2000 copyright date. Based on the logo and some of that Wayback research, it appears it could originate back to that site's re/launch. The shirt label is...
  2. HumanMusicGroup

    info: shirts from the site "relaunch" (2000/2001?)

    No, it definitely helps, thank you! I also still have one of the lemons (never opened it), but I think I might have gotten that from eBay prior to the website relaunch. Those fly shades...I regretted not getting those when they had them...but they sold out relatively quickly, iirc!
  3. HumanMusicGroup

    info: shirts from the site "relaunch" (2000/2001?)

    That's a great find, AY, thanks. Trying to scout the site via the Wayback machine, most of the searches from 2000-2002 errored out (I'm guessing because Flash Player has been discontinued/supported). I think I was able to get a sample of the "under construction" homepage taken at one point...
  4. HumanMusicGroup

    info: shirts from the site "relaunch" (2000/2001?)

    Please correct me if I am butchering history here, but, back in 2000/2001 (iirc), "relaunched" (or rebranded) during/ahead of the ATYCLB buildup. Even then, they sold variants/reissues of some of the old tour shirts. They weren't original tour "merch," though. I've seen a few of the...
  5. HumanMusicGroup

    Hello Hello!

    We're in lower Bucks County. You?
  6. HumanMusicGroup

    Pitchfork likes Pop

    I'm new to this forum, but, seeing Pitchfork's review sort of started this new reflection on my appreciation of the group. I became a fan because of Pop, but I've wrestled over the album since that time. When creating mix CD's for friends and other new fans, I'd waste so much time...
  7. HumanMusicGroup

    Hello Hello!

    Greetings from the Philly burbs! I've followed U2 since the 90's, becoming a fan during Pop, and what a ride it has been. Married with two wonderful daughters, it's awesome to share decades of good and (at times) culturally relevant music with a younger generation. I used to be a big...
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