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  1. W

    Share your original music

    Here's some stuff I've been working on the last few months.... Any criticism is more than welcome!
  2. W

    Where can we post our original music?

    Looking for feedback on some pieces I'm working on, and since the people on this forum OBVIOUSLY have the best taste in music in the world, and since I've been a forum member here for like a decade (yeah, ignore the post count :cute: ), I'd like to see what the folks here think... Thanks...
  3. W

    Share your original music

    Whew! I was wanting to share my stuff with the people here ( I've been creeping around here for almost a decade!) and not get reamed! Here's my blog with a few songs on the page... Cricky and The Turtle Thanks!
  4. W

    Barcelona II Setlist Party, Part II! (Electrical Storm was played)

    Damn... I just got it working! and now COBL is all I can get to work...
  5. W

    U2 Songs Covered by Interferers LIVE - The Collection

    dudes, seriously thanks for injecting new life into the fan base with this stuff
  6. W

    Well, I'm new now

    ...its like heaven around here thanks
  7. W

    Well, I'm new now

    hey all, I've been off/on here for a while, starting with the Electrical Storm hype back in Septmeber of '02... Just wanted to say hi to eveyone and say that I'm looking forward to spending time here, sharing thoughts with everyone again muchluv
  8. W

    New Version Of Streets!

    actually my man, there is a version with the MLK speech in the background, i downloaded it during the old napster days.... try to look it up on kazaa or i could email it to you or whatever....but yeah that sounds like a good idea
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