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  1. C

    (06-5-2007) Makeover plans for U2 hotel on ice as Council raises questions*

    I'm a big fan of U2, but this hotel plan turns me off. A hotel like that in Las Vegas ,OK But leave the Georgian buildings of Dubliin alone!!Dublin has been changed enough already. Critter
  2. C

    (12-30-2006) U2 may change musical direction on next album - Reuters*

    I'd have to agree with Atomic Bono, the MDH soundtrack is wonderfully atmospheric. Though TGBHF lost some of its lushness when it was played acoustic. I'd also like to hear more songs like Electrical Storm, Mercy, Saints, and Window in the Sky. I hope they have more piano in their next album also.
  3. C

    Your Top 15 U2 Songs!

    1 Until the End of the World 2 Mofo 3 Sort of Homecoming 4 Unforgettable Fire 5 Zooropa 6 Wired' 7 Ground Beneath Her Feet 8 Stay 9 Red Hill Mining Town 10 Tomorrow 11 the Fly 12 Spanish Eyes 13 One Tree Hill 14 Gone 15 Lemon
  4. C

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    12 hours of Zoo TV I'm very interested in getting a copy of the Zoo TV DVD's .I missed that time, I want to relive that time. critter
  5. C

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    I'm still interested
  6. C

    03rd October Boston - Fleet Center

    Thanks, Olive, for your detailed notes of a very special show. critter
  7. C

    Good God Pop Is Brilliant

    I became a big fan because of Pop. I liked Discotheque a lot so I bought the album. Then I was blown away by the rest of it! I don't think the album needs fixing. It is great the way it is!
  8. C

    (08-10-2005) Arcade Fire to open Cdn. U2 gigs - Jam!*

    Is there any chance that Arcade Fire could open for just one of the Boston shows, Please!!!! AF is a very special band. Their album Funeral is top notch - no filler on it at all (just like U2)
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    3rd leg next month - still no opening act

    Arcade Fire would be great!
  10. C

    MERGED-->12 hours of Zoo TV onto DVD...

    I'd be very interested in getting a copy of this DVD. I could trade a DVD or do a B&P. Thanks a lot. critter
  11. C

    Europe is getting Zooropa & Pop songs according to Adam

    Hope there is more Zooropa and Pop songs in the USA on the 3rd leg. That would be great!
  12. C

    Can't download, but want clean, lossless copies of Vertigo shows?

    beginner disc I'd be very interested in trying out the beginner disc. I have a Mac, and I'm not technically proficient at all. I have a few shows that I've been putting off trying to convert. I'd like to give it a try. My e-mail is Kathy
  13. C

    Zoo Sydney Japanese Broadcast DVD Offer

    I'd be interested in one of the trade spots. critter (
  14. C

    I have the 3-28-05 4 cam mix dvd.....

    I'd be interested in trading with you. You can e-mail me at critter
  15. C

    2005 Dvd Trades

    DVD trading I'd be interested in trading with you. I have U2 LA 1987, Dancing Zoo TV Stockholm and Atomic Promo 2004 Tour. Please e-mail me at if you're interested. Kathy
  16. C

    Irving Plaza DVD

    I'd be very interested in getting a copy of the Irving Plaza DVD. I have a few DVDs I can trade. My e-mail is critter
  17. C

    Vertigo Tour audio boot/CD-R freebie offer #2, for 5 in US [OFFER CLOSED]

    I'd like San Diego 1 & 2. Thanks a lot. critter (
  18. C

    Best way to sell U2 tickets

    I'm thinking of selling a few U2 tickets on What Do You Have. What payment and shipment methods are best to use? Thanks. Kathy
  19. C

    tickets from brokers/scalpers

    I was irritated by The price for 1 Boston GA was $290. I filled out all the credit info, and then found out there was a $45 service charge. Pretty sneaky! Why couldn't they give you the total price before you fill out everything!
  20. C

    who got NO GA's after trying many gigs?

    I had no luck getting GA's on the pre-sale. I tried a Filene outlet today for the general sale. Out of about 40 people there only the 1st person in line was able to get a ticket. I'm getting nervous. The ticket company prices are so crazy.
  21. C

    Those who stood in line at Ticketmaster in the US

    I had no luck at Filene's in Belmont Mass.. Only the 1st person( of around 40 people in line) was able to buy a ticket.
  22. C

    DVD trade or B&P

    I'm new at DVD trading also. I have Atomic Promo Part 1 and Dancing Queen-Stockholm-Zoo Tour. I'd be interested in the Brooklyn Bridge DVD. If interested, you can contact me at Thanks. critter
  23. C

    MERGED --> All questions/help discussion here

    From what U2fanatic4ever said "2 tickets per person", I can use 1 ticket for show #1, and the 2nd ticket for show #2? Am I interpreting that right? Thanks.
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