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  1. briarrose


    I just sent you an email.
  2. briarrose

    July 12 2010 - Lincoln Financial Field (Philadelphia, PA)

    I got my GA's too! I had everything set up online to buy my tickets at 3 today at work. Then I got to the page that required the credit card security code and I didn't have my credit card (how could I forget this)! I ran out to my car to get the card and thankfully was able to secure tickets 5...
  3. briarrose

    The Fifth Eze clip request thread (No links please!)

    I'm behind the times. Please send all 5 clips to
  4. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thanks redhotswami! The first week was awful. I didn't do very well on 2 tests because I couldn't concentrate on my school work. I'm taking classes at 2 different colleges next semester so my spring breaks are on different weeks, which means I can't go then. Thanks for listening.
  5. briarrose

    Its hard raising a tween

    A girls brain isn't fully developed until the ages of 18-19. A male brain isn't developed fully until age 21 (these are just averages). I think this explains a lot why teenagers act the way they do. I used to be in bad moods a lot and never wanted to talk to my parents. It's just part of the...
  6. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thank you all again for your replies. It's nice to know that other people can relate. My brother finally got online in CA. It's really nice because I've been home for the past 2 days studying for finals and he's been at his apartment so we just IM each other every once in awhile. I just found...
  7. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thank you Mandy and Bonochick. It's nice to know that others have gone through this as well. I'm planning on visiting my brother at the end of this month or the beginning of January. I'm so excited about it! I think I failed one of my tests last week because I was so upset that I couldn't...
  8. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thank you all again for your replies. I'm still having a really hard time dealing with this. I cried harder today than I ever have. It almost seems like grief. I can't seem to accept that he's moved away. He'll get to California today so hopefully we can start talking online soon. That should...
  9. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thank you all for your replies and advice. It has helped a lot. Today I'm finally doing better. My brother is driving across the country so I've been really worried about his safety. I finally felt stable enough to call him today and he's doing fine. Just talking to him and know that he's...
  10. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. I've been trying to focus on when I'll be able to go and visit and that is helping tremendously. Thanks for the advice and for taking the time to write.
  11. briarrose

    How to deal....

    Hi all I don't write on here much but I know everyone comes from different backgrounds and different situations and can offer good advice. My brother left for California today (he's moving there permanently) and I live in PA. I'm having such a hard time with this. We're really close. I've been...
  12. briarrose

    Spider-man 3 trailer

    Thanks for posting the link!!! I can't wait to see this movie!!!
  13. briarrose

    'Window in the Skies' REQUEST Thread ALL VERSIONS Part 2

    Thanks for letting me know. Try
  14. briarrose

    'Window in the Skies' REQUEST Thread ALL VERSIONS Part 2

    I didn't receive an email yet....
  15. briarrose

    'Window in the Skies' REQUEST Thread ALL VERSIONS

    Studio version if possible. I haven't heard the song yet!! Thanks
  16. briarrose

    Have you named a pet or child after a favourite band member?

    My husband found a baby bunny. I named it Edge. He was the cutest little bunny. Then we let him go. I don't want kids but if I did I would name a boy Xavier and a girl Aurora (after the X-men).
  17. briarrose

    I get mad when people don't leave feedback on ebay.

    This one person emailed me about 10 times about leaving feedback. I finally wrote back to her and reminded her that she paid over a week late. She didn't bother me after that. I should've left the feedback above!
  18. briarrose

    My Mother is the Rudest Person Alive!!!!

    I can relate to your situation. My mother was very abusive (physically, emotionally, mentally and verbally) to me. I moved out 3 days after I turned 18 to get away from it. I didn't talk to my mom for about 2 months after I moved out. When I did, all she did was accuse me of doing the wrong...
  19. briarrose

    You know you gained weight and.....

    I hate when people make comments about weight. Even if it's from weight loss because it makes me feel like I looked awful before. A customer once said to me, "Have you lost weight? What'd you weight, 306 before?" And my best friend once told me that a skirt I was wearing wasn't very flattering...
  20. briarrose

    Quitting work to go to school full time?

    I originally started going to school part time then realized it was going to take me way too long. I started full time last fall and cut back to only working Friday nights and Saturday mornings. I'm a waitress so it worked out well. I only work 12 hours a week but make good money waitressing...
  21. briarrose

    Make Fun of Commercials

    I was just in Mexico and they had this horrible commercial about tomato sauce. All they kept singing was, "Tomato, Tomato, Tomato!"
  22. briarrose

    Review the last movie you viewed (NO LISTS)

    V for Vendetta 9/10
  23. briarrose

    afraid to fly?

    I'm really nervous now too. My husband and I are flying to Cancun next Thursday. Now I don't even want to go. I'm trying to tell myself that a big plan just went down the drain and it will take a long time for them to get one started again. Also, since security has been greatly increased, it...
  24. briarrose

    Have you ever contemplated suicide???

    Justin, I hope you will go talk to someone. It's extremely important. My husband, then fiance, attempted suicide and it was horrible. This hurt me and his family more than anything has ever hurt. He went on Paxil for awhile and asked God to heal him and God did. He's so much better now and...
  25. briarrose

    I've never been stoned....

    I've never been high or drunk. I've never even seen pot.:reject:
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