
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Eh, I am 16 years old. U2 fan... last of my breed. There's only a handful of us teenagers that appreciates real music... I play guitar, about 5 years now. The Edge is a father figure to me when it comes to guitar... That's about it.

Guitar, Music, Choir, Trying to master that "Edge" sound, A few lines of Blue Crack once in awhile...
Sep 25, 1989 (Age: 34)
Redding, CA..... Yeah, I know, shut up.
Junior in High School
Favorite U2 Album
Achtung Baby (Cliche, I know... You can't battle greatness) Then you have Joshua/Zooropa/Dismantle
Favorite U2 Song
One (I have a history with that song...)/Love And Peace Or Else
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
Original Under A Blood Red Sky video from '83 and my ISHFWILF Single on vinyl
Favorite U2 lyrics
Love is a Temple, Love the higher law
Favorite U2 band members
The Edge.
I was introduced to U2 by
Luke Geiger (future Bono and Lennon)
U2 shows I've seen
April 10th Vertigo//05, San Jose II
Have you met U2?
Propaganda member?
Other Bands
Coldplay ((hides)), Damien Rice, Beatles, Pink Floyd, Luke Geiger, Jason Mraz


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