
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
cooking, baking, botanical & architecture photography, collecting antique & vintage botanical/scientific/ architectural prints & photographs, worrying, writing random personal essays & bits of non-fiction narrative, taking too long to devise color schemes for my myspace, vox, live journal, etc., attempting to upload my work to deviantArt. . .
July 11
The Great Below
Favorite U2 Album
Tie between Boy, Zooropa, Pop, NLOTH
Favorite U2 Song
Way too many to pick from
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
My Vertigo Tour ellipse wristband
Favorite U2 lyrics
see fave song
Favorite U2 band members
Umm. . . all except Bono *runs & hides*
I was introduced to U2 by
A friend of my aunt's
U2 shows I've seen
Vertigo Tour ATL 19 Nov 2005 - GA
360 Tour Toronto 16 & 17 Sept 2009 - GA
Have you met U2?
Not yet ;)
Propaganda member?
Other Bands
Nine Inch Nails


Some people go to church; I go to concerts.

"When you go past a managed forest, you see a mass
of tree trunks. Then at a certain point you look again,
and you realize they're all in perfect rows.
Clarity. Clarity of vision.
What you've been looking at from the wrong angle
and not seeing at all. You labor, you sweat to see what
you couldn't have seen from that other perspective."
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