I get to see the world for free. ( nope not military)
Favorite U2 Album
Achtung Baby
Favorite U2 Song
Too many to count.. currently LOVE IS BIGGER
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
Memories of seeing them live.
Favorite U2 lyrics
So many... omg not a realistic question. Currently... "If the moonlight caught you crying on Killiney Bay oh sing your song, let your song be sung, if you listen you can hear the silence say when you think you're done , you've just begun. "
Favorite U2 band members
BONO and Edge.
I was introduced to U2 by
U2 shows I've seen
Only 2 wish it was more. ( Hawaii , Veritgo tour closer was my first)
Have you met U2?
sadly no. I would love that to happen organically not in a stalking sort of way. I don't like to bother people when they are out with family ect.. but if I ran it to Bono somewhere and actually had a conversation with him, wow I could die happy.