Recent content by FizzingWhizzbees

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  1. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Need Attorneys For A Good Laugh

    This is priceless. :D :lol:
  2. FizzingWhizzbees

    Close the fucking war room!

    Hi Dread, I have already explained the site's policy with regard to charitable donations in the original thread on the subject, but I'll quote my response here in case people aren't already aware of it: As I said before, you're very welcome to PM or email me or the other FYM mods if you would...
  3. FizzingWhizzbees

    did the US use chemical weapons in Fallujah?

    What about the human cost? This weapon is absolutely horrendous, it quite literally burns away a person's skin to the bone. It is an incredibly horrific and inhumane weapon and I think every person who cares about human life should be opposed to its use purely for the reason that it causes...
  4. FizzingWhizzbees

    did the US use chemical weapons in Fallujah?

    Irvine, Since I was the mod who moved this thread I feel compelled to ask: what on earth makes you believe that I, of all people, am in favour of burying the horrible news about what's happening to the Iraqi people under occupation? I have consistently opposed this war since it was first...
  5. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Must Stop Halloween

    In fairness, it was about Hugo Chavez's comments on Halloween and it's not that much of a derailment to go from a discussion of Chavez to a discussion of Cuba. So, y'know, not making my top ten derailments just yet. :wink: Though I do think the list is an excellent idea.
  6. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Must Stop Halloween

    Really? And where exactly does plotting to assassinate Cuba's leader fit into these demands?
  7. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Must Stop Halloween

    Once again, would you substantiate this, please? Unfortunately the Amnesty report you cited makes no mention of pre-1959 Cuban living standards.
  8. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Must Stop Halloween

    Could you substantiate this, please? I posted statistics regarding Cuban living standards and literacy as well as citing a WHO report on the Cuban healthcare system. You've not cited a single source for your claim that Cuba was previously a 'first world country' and is now a 'third world country'.
  9. FizzingWhizzbees

    We Must Stop Halloween

    Oh my, what a strong argument you have there. Of course anyone who holds a different opinion to your own must be taken in by propaganda. Incidentally, given that Cuba is currently under a US blockade, its capacity to export goods is greatly reduced. And while we're on the subject of...
  10. FizzingWhizzbees

    A gift for a wounded soldier.

    Hi everyone, I've now had chance to clarify the site policy on this subject and I'll attempt to explain it here. The policy is that if you wish to advertise a charity the appropriate way to do so is through placing a text link in your signature. Starting threads encouraging people to donate...
  11. FizzingWhizzbees

    Former U.S. President Carter Condemns Abortion Culture

    What original purpose? As defined by who? And it's strange that you're so passionately anti-choice yet you support denying women the resources which would prevent them being in the situation in which they would consider having an abortion. Surely if you're opposed to abortion then you...
  12. FizzingWhizzbees

    Iraq battle stress worse than WWII

    True, but that doesn't change the fact that the armies currently occupying Iraq should not kill innocent civilians. It is for this reason that I think it would be inappropriate for any precautions against the killing of innocent civilians to be weakened because they are allegedly causing stress...
  13. FizzingWhizzbees

    Iraq battle stress worse than WWII

    I'm waiting for Elvis to clarify the site's position on this subject. As soon as he's had time to reply the threads will be re-opened and an explanation will be posted. Please be patient, it is the weekend after all and I know that Elvis is a busy person so it may take him a little while to...
  14. FizzingWhizzbees

    Iraq battle stress worse than WWII

    I'm sure your own experiences inform your view on this matter and I respect that. However, my opinion, informed by different experiences and information is somewhat different. Personally I can't justify removing measures designed to protect innocent people from being killed by the military...
  15. FizzingWhizzbees

    Iraq battle stress worse than WWII

    As I already stated, I don't doubt that being a soldier is stressful, particularly in contemporary Iraq. However, I also believe that in addition to concern for the welfare of soldiers in Iraq, we need to consider the welfare of the Iraqi people and weakening measures designed to prevent...
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