Recent content by A Mad Hipster

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. A Mad Hipster

    Best Song Survivor: Grand Final VIII

    hey guys i voted last time, wtf y can i v8 this round i thght u cud only vote onts?
  2. A Mad Hipster

    Best Song Survivor: Grand Final VIII

    hey these polls r kinda lame if u are voting strategogisciclaly insted of 4 ur actual lest fav4rite i think u shud strt dis agan avxer i hope bad wins, the live versins slay:applaud:
  3. A Mad Hipster

    U2 are nominated in the 2008 MTV Europe Awards.

    It's because of the Rick Roll'd meme that is already old of date, but MTV try to be hip to the jive when it comes to the kids. So I don't know why U2 are nominated!
  4. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    I never thought of that. I'm too nice. To my mother, at least.
  5. A Mad Hipster

    Let it PLAY NOW!!

    Cab Calloway - Kickin' The Gong Around Probably my favourite song about smoking opium.
  6. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    How the hell do you ask your mother to borrow her Visa to buy a mostly non-beneficial membership for an internet forum?
  7. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Ah, DKC 2 is my favourite anyway. I don't think I own DKC 3 or ever did, but I played it a lot.
  8. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Hmm. Perhaps. I think that would fit.
  9. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Damn, I need a naked screenname.
  10. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Were you playing DKC 1, 2 or 3? I'm pretty sure I have all save slots on DKC 1 and 2 on 100%.
  11. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Hey, you did nothing wrong, but whatever. :hug: Goodness, forgot it's DST. That makes it about 4 here, I think.
  12. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Well, yeah. Especially something as innocent as that. Nah, you were fine. Ax was just leaning a bit too over on pricksville, though. A bit more than usual. :wink:
  13. A Mad Hipster

    Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

    Oh, Ax went to bed. Bye Ax! :wave:
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