PGP: Oh leather, how I missed thee

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The delivery guy already came by with his morning stuff. No dice. :( Am waiting for his afternoon run.

have emailed the gal whose husband taped our show Friday night. All "sorry to pester you already, but ... uh ... DO YOU HAVE IT?" :reject:
Aw, man. My friend said the video has horrible sound quality. Oh well. I was kind of expecting that, but got all excited when I saw he had an actual video camera and not just a regular digital camera.

Hopefully it'll be watchable enough to at least get the gist of how it was. :(
Aw, thanks. :)

I still was looking forward to sharing it with friends.

I can already hear my dad complaining. "You should have someone who knew what they were doing! I wish I could have been there to film it. He should have blah blah blah ..."

:lol: :doh:
Hi Dazz!:hug:

Ohaithar Kristen. Long time no talk!:shifty: (like about 5 minutes!)
There has been a bird trapped for two days in this pipe that starts on our roof and runs down/in the back wall of our house, and there's some sort of round cover on the back wall of our kitchen that (I suppose) can come off. Sarah has decided to remove this thing, and try to rescue the bird.

I can see this not going well, and culminating in our having to leave all our things behind (including the cats) and finding a new home.

Will keep you updated.
BRG, I was thinking the exact same thing about the boxers or briefs question!:shifty:
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