PGP: Hey Bono, nice ass!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ugh, I just know I'm going to have a nightmare about him chasing me in a giant bun, dripping mustard and ketchup as he runs. :panic::laugh:
Hiiiii, ladies! Whiskey is my friend. It emboldens me to approach cute guys, tell them I like their hats, and then tell them they shouldb follow us to the dance club for 80s night. And they did!

I am so proud of myself. And I even attempted follow-through to get the number of the one I was dancing with, butg alas - they BOTH live in Alaska. (I thought only one did.) Oh well. That was a huge stwp for me.

Please excuse typos - I am not drunk (anymore) but am typing this on my phone, on the bus home.

So fun!
It was a really good time. It sounds silly, but I really am proud of myself. I suck at dealing with guys who show interest in me. I have no problem going up and saying something goofy right off the bat, but after that I usually clam up and shut it down.
Dang, I tried to reply to you twice on the bus home, but my phone kept randomly shutting down! Grrr.

Anyway. New avi - thanks!

I was in a thread about the X-Files on another site, and people were posting all these pics and gifs. This one seemed a perfect follow-up to Lucille.

I think maybe I'm ready to go back and watch the series again on DVD. I can perhaps put aside my bitterness and find the love again.

Now, off to bed. Set yer clocks back! :)
i thought that might have Gillian!
hope you'll get to enough TheX-files once agian!

My laptiop switched automatically....
i was like :huh::shifty: did..... did that just change!!?? :ohmy:

i checked my Cellphone and it wwaas stik on 2AM!:lol::lol:

i'm driftin a boat towards ZZZzzzland!!!!!!!

so good night/ morning/ afternoon! go well!:hug: ssss
Comet - nice picturewhoring pressies! :shifty:
except:scream: (you-know-of-which-spoiler-tag-picture-i'm-speaking of!) i think you may owe us a few nice pictures again, now! yeah, this is actually blackmailing!:wink:

And your daughter is so pretty!!! sorry that she is retiring, but if that's her decision and wish, then I think it's really nice that she does want to discover other things in life! Hope she will get passionate about something else in the way she has felt passionate about dance!

This is PGP. Polite company hasn't existed here since 1998.

Dave and I took our relationship to the next level and we made love. Twice.

sounds like another trademark line about PGP!
but yeah - :up: for the extracurricular activities!

that's nice :) usually the fast shopping is the best! if something really screams for owning, you simply must have it if resources allow!

Ugh, I just know I'm going to have a nightmare about him chasing me in a giant bun, dripping mustard and ketchup as he runs. :panic::laugh:

:lol: poor Rebel,:therethere: you really want to see B and IT in your dreams, but now you are threatened by this hot dog! i hope that it's a costume party setting at least and in the end he removes his hot dog costume... and that he is actually not bald and it was all a good disguise! :shifty:

And yay, Cori, for approaching cute guys! Too bad they were from the wild :shifty:

My headache was gone by the morning! at least for now... hope it won't come back! been struggling with stuffy nose on the last days, so i guess this is where it comes from...
And something snow-like fell from the sky this morning for whole 10 minutes or so!!! so a bit of white on the ground! hopefully there will be more during the day!!
Excellent. My plan has worked!

Oh, and I took a picture: New necklace I purchased today. I love purple! on Twitpic

That necklace is amazing!!!:love: *wants*

It was a really good time. It sounds silly, but I really am proud of myself. I suck at dealing with guys who show interest in me. I have no problem going up and saying something goofy right off the bat, but after that I usually clam up and shut it down.

That is great Cori! You should be proud of yourself! :applaud:

I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here. I will still be on fb, and I will check in. Cori was right. Sometimes you need to get away from Interference for a bit to clear your head! I love ya girlies!!:hug::hug::hug:
I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here. I will still be on fb, and I will check in. Cori was right. Sometimes you need to get away from Interference for a bit to clear your head! I love ya girlies!!:hug::hug::hug:

:hug: Understandable.
That necklace is amazing!!!:love: *wants*

That is great Cori! You should be proud of yourself! :applaud:

I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here. I will still be on fb, and I will check in. Cori was right. Sometimes you need to get away from Interference for a bit to clear your head! I love ya girlies!!:hug::hug::hug:

You need to do what's right for you. We'll miss you Amy :hug:
You know where to find me if you wanna talk.
Way to go, cori! :hi5: I'm always too chicken to approach guys or ask for their number or whatever, so I admire your courage! :D

Thanks for the compliments on the necklace! It's from RW&Co. I'm not sure if they have locations out your way, but it's a great store. I haven't ever bought clothes from there, but I've picked up lots of jewelry from that shop over the years. :)

I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here. I will still be on fb, and I will check in. Cori was right. Sometimes you need to get away from Interference for a bit to clear your head! I love ya girlies!!:hug::hug::hug:

I do understand the need to take a break. :hug: We'll be here when you return. :hug:

Stooopid daylight savings time. :sigh: I woke up a half hour ago, and couldn't go back to sleep. :angry: It's too damn early!! I want to still be sleeping! Grrr. I'll definitely be taking a nice long nap sometime this afternoon.
I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here. I will still be on fb, and I will check in. Cori was right. Sometimes you need to get away from Interference for a bit to clear your head! I love ya girlies!!:hug::hug::hug:

totally understandable! clear your head and return when you feel like you are ready to do so! :hug:
Excellent. My plan has worked!

Oh, and I took a picture: New necklace I purchased today. I love purple! on Twitpic

ETA - oh my god I'd be a hateful RAGING bitchaholic if I didn't ever sleep! :lmao: I'll probably go to bed within the next hour. I love sleep WAAYYY too much! :love:

Ooh Thora I love it, it's gorgeous! It also actually reminds me of a Product (RED) bracelet they had a couple years ago, I came SO close to buying, but I never did... I always wished I had! It was very similar to that I think... huh, I should see if I saved a pic. Anyway, love your necklace!

Dang, I tried to reply to you twice on the bus home, but my phone kept randomly shutting down! Grrr.

Anyway. New avi - thanks!

I was in a thread about the X-Files on another site, and people were posting all these pics and gifs. This one seemed a perfect follow-up to Lucille.

I think maybe I'm ready to go back and watch the series again on DVD. I can perhaps put aside my bitterness and find the love again.

Now, off to bed. Set yer clocks back! :)

I noticed your avi too, yay! That's exactly what I'm doing right now too, the series rewatch. I'm on season 8 at the moment. Have 1-3 on DVD and have done the rest netflix though I'd like to eventually get at least a few more seasons on dvd. I'm finding it really fun this time, especially watching it with my kids now. We've enjoyed all of it, even the really bad stuff just for the LOL factor. I found that it's been long enough that I've forgotten enough to still have some great surprises I'd totally forgotten about! Although, I can't say I always follow every intricacy of the plot any better than the first time!

Way to go, cori! :hi5: I'm always too chicken to approach guys or ask for their number or whatever, so I admire your courage! :D

Thanks for the compliments on the necklace! It's from RW&Co. I'm not sure if they have locations out your way, but it's a great store. I haven't ever bought clothes from there, but I've picked up lots of jewelry from that shop over the years. :)

I do understand the need to take a break. :hug: We'll be here when you return. :hug:

Stooopid daylight savings time. :sigh: I woke up a half hour ago, and couldn't go back to sleep. :angry: It's too damn early!! I want to still be sleeping! Grrr. I'll definitely be taking a nice long nap sometime this afternoon.

Same here Amy. :hug: Hope it helps.

And yes damn time change! I forgot about it and thought I woke up late for getting ready for work this morning!
I think I might be taking a break from Interference for a bit. That "thing" that happened last week is still bothering me, and it is hard to avoid on here.

Good luck. Hope you're able to make your break longer than a day, which is all I've been able to manage. :reject:

Ugh, I just know I'm going to have a nightmare about him chasing me in a giant bun, dripping mustard and ketchup as he runs. :panic::laugh:

:lol: sorry.

Comet - nice picturewhoring pressies! :shifty:
except:scream: (you-know-of-which-spoiler-tag-picture-i'm-speaking of!) i think you may owe us a few nice pictures again, now! yeah, this is actually blackmailing!:wink:

And your daughter is so pretty!!! sorry that she is retiring, but if that's her decision and wish, then I think it's really nice that she does want to discover other things in life! Hope she will get passionate about something else in the way she has felt passionate about dance!

:lol: poor Rebel,:therethere: you really want to see B and IT in your dreams, but now you are threatened by this hot dog! i hope that it's a costume party setting at least and in the end he removes his hot dog costume... and that he is actually not bald and it was all a good disguise! :shifty:

And yay, Cori, for approaching cute guys! Too bad they were from the wild : shifty:

My headache was gone by the morning! at least for now... hope it won't come back! been struggling with stuffy nose on the last days, so i guess this is where it comes from...
And something snow-like fell from the sky this morning for whole 10 minutes or so!!! so a bit of white on the ground! hopefully there will be more during the day!!

Sorry to you too. :D And aww thanks about my daughter. :hug:

And yes, good job cori! :up:
I noticed your avi too, yay! That's exactly what I'm doing right now too, the series rewatch.

I've tried to do the rewatch a few times in the recent past, so I think I'm going to skip ahead to season 3, rather than sit through s1 & s2 again (s2 is good, but s1 I feel like I've seen sooo many times).

I have through s8 on DVD, and have no intention of buying s9 - will have to Netflix it ... assuming I have the courage to watch it when I get that far. I was pretty bitter by that point when it all first aired. :lol:

I do like a lot of s8, though. I liked Doggett a lot, but haaated Reyes.
I've tried to do the rewatch a few times in the recent past, so I think I'm going to skip ahead to season 3, rather than sit through s1 & s2 again (s2 is good, but s1 I feel like I've seen sooo many times).

I have through s8 on DVD, and have no intention of buying s9 - will have to Netflix it ... assuming I have the courage to watch it when I get that far. I was pretty bitter by that point when it all first aired. :lol:

I do like a lot of s8, though. I liked Doggett a lot, but haaated Reyes.

:up: Agreed! I always liked Doggett too. We're enjoying season 8 right now!
I'm having my daughter send me a photo from the performance last night. You guys have to see these gorgeous costumes. The ballet is called Rubies. I'm going to upload in a moment, but I need to find out how to word the disclaimer before I post. Legally I can't post any photos showing Balanchine choreography, costumes etc without the proper credit and disclaimer. The photos are my daughters but the ballet is copyright the Balanchine Trust so I have to do it. Our company performed it only under the supervision and permission of the Balanchine Trust.
ANYway... she's sending them to me now.

Actually I should have put the copyright info on those photos I posted last night too. :uhoh:
Here are a few. Balanchine was known for very stark sets. In his day sets had become so elaborate, and he wanted the focus to be on the dancers themselves, their bodies and performance the main subject on stage. (These costumes belong to the New York City Ballet and are in loan to us for this performance)





Choreography by George Balanchine
© The George Balanchine Trust
WOW - those are gorgeous photos, comet! :ohmy: :love:

I love ballet so much. I wanted to be a dancer when I was a little girl, but I don't remember what happened to stop that. I probably found something else that interested me more. :lol: I know I did a lot of sports/dance/gymnastics and stuff when I was young - I never stuck to anything (except running) for very long. :lol: :reject:
Hiiiii, ladies! Whiskey is my friend. It emboldens me to approach cute guys, tell them I like their hats, and then tell them they shouldb follow us to the dance club for 80s night. And they did!

I am so proud of myself. And I even attempted follow-through to get the number of the one I was dancing with, butg alas - they BOTH live in Alaska. (I thought only one did.) Oh well. That was a huge stwp for me.

Please excuse typos - I am not drunk (anymore) but am typing this on my phone, on the bus home.

So fun!

:giggle: Sounds like you had fun.

:grumpy: What am I doing in your sig? Wait, when did I even type that? was that last night? :scratch:
Not bad, thanks. :) Just put a meal in the crock pot, so it should be ready in time for dinner. :drool: I'm having a nice and lazy morning. I just was flipping through the channels, and there's a marathon being televised right now. One day I am going to run one! :yes:
Stunning, bc!

GG: yeah, you said that yesterday (last night for you, I think?) and I don't even know what it was in reference to, but it spoke to me, so I temporarily sigged it. :wink:
What are you having? Your chicken dish you talked about before? :D
Lazy morning sounds good.

Pretty pics Comet! :up: Nice costumes, though, aren't the boys supposed to wear pants? :uhoh:
What, you've never seen male ballet dancers in their tights, with all that muscle definition and ... uh.... codpiece action? Good stuff. :wink:
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