Bono/Edge American Idol Performance Setlist Party

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It's not terrible, but Reeve Carney's part should have been sung by a girl. And this song would have even been better if it wasn't for this crappy musical. What I'm trying to say is:

Didn't the Rolling Stones teach us we don't always get what we want? :wink: Eh well. Look, these guys have been doin' U2 for like... ever. Bono and Edge wanted to do something different. Cool, good for them! I like this song. :up: :)
I'm on the west coast. What time do they come on? So I dont have to sit through the rest of this crap. :wink:
I think around 9:45 for us Sicy.

Can I just say that Bono is looking mighty fine tonight? :shifty:

Love the new shades color. :love:

I liked the song. I think it's really good, although I think I prefer the version with the strings that they've done on Broadway. Definitely got excited when they came on. After having to sit through all that crap that was American Idol, it was pretty much worth it.
Edge looks awesome!! And he's rockin' the Explorer!

And the guitar in this song sounds like a total U2 tune.

Okay, so I think the first 20 seconds of the song or whatever that opening bit is, it's jarring. It sounds like a big mess. Then it goes away and the real song starts, and it's really good.

That Spiderman Smoking Jacket or whatever it is that Reeve is wearing is ridiculous.

I laughed when J Lo chickened out of the kiss. That was pretty funny.
I can't believe I sat through that entire mess. The 3 best things about this show were

1)Bono and Edge performing, of course
2)Seeing Lady Gaga fake kill herself
3)Jack Black sad he didn't get a victory hug from Scotty at the end
Am I the only one..

who thinks this is an excellent song and an exceptional performance on the night by Bono?

All anyone could post about on Youtube was how cute Reeve was...

To be balanced..some of the lyrics are slightly U2 paint-by-numbers but I have noticed that Bono is using some of his trademark sayings in these songs...

Vision over them - only us, etc...which makes me believe that he put his best into these songs..
Bono sounded great, but his 90's self would mock this endeavor. American Idol is the polar opposite of the rock ethos
Top comment on the YouTube video of the studio version: "Thumbs up if American Idol brought you here!! ^_^"
...This is going to be a hit for all the wrong reasons, isn't it? :crack:

Also, if you haven't done so already, check out the U2gigs Twitter feed. Some of the comments are hilarious.
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