U2 360° Tour - General Tour Discussion Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I hope this the right place to post, I've got a question about the show as it'll be my first time seeing U2 (or any band for that matter) in Melbourne next week.

I was just wondering if there's any kind of deadline for when you can arrive at the venue. Does the venue stop letting people in after a certain time, or can you arrive whenever? I'm trying to figure out when I should get there.

Also, I've been reading around and it looks like U2 normally come on stage between 8-9pm. Is there anyone who has an idea when they usually come on when playing in Australia? I'd think it would be more towards 9 as it takes a fair while to get dark here in summer.
Pretty sure you can show up whenever; I've never heard of anyone coming late and being turned away. :)
Can someone tell me about how far the main stage juts out on the field. 10/20/30 yard line? I'm trying to gauge my seats for the New Meadowlands stadium that I just paid an arm and a leg for.. Thanks.
There were architect-type images on U2.com showing the plan of the Claw in each stadium last two years. Dunno if they're still there or not, but if there's one for that stadium it'll give you a good idea of where the Claw will be on the field.
Thank you for your reply cathalmc. I'll go check it out. I've got an idea, I just don't know how accurate ticket brokers layouts are.
U2 to Snatch 'Biggest Tour Ever' Title This Weekend | Billboard.com

When the doors open Sunday night for U2's second show at Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the band's 360 tour will become the highest grossing tour in history.

In Sao Paulo, U2 360 will pass the $558 million gross mark set by the Rolling Stones for their A Bigger Bang tour of 2005-2007. U2 will go on to shatter the record at about $700 million by the time it wraps in North America July 30 at Magnetic Hill in Moncton, N.B., and when all the numbers come in be recorded in Billboard Boxscore as the biggest trek ever. The tour returns to North America May 21 in Denver.

360 will also have moved more than 7 million tickets to 110 shows, enough to capture the "highest attended tour ever" mantle, as well. The Stones are also the band to vacate that title, as their Voodoo Lounge tour of 1994-1995 had held the attendance record at 6.4 million tickets, according to Boxscore.

Very nice. :applaud:
I know this is probably annoying to the regulars, but what time does the band take the stage after Florence?

I tried FAQ and search, but couldn't find anything. Thanks!
u2 start time

hi...anyone know what time u2 has taken the stage at the last few shows (april,may, june 2011)???

we're going to the show in miami on june 29, and need that info to make arrangements for our children...thanks!
thanks for the reply about the concert start time...

now i haven't been to a concert in quite some time (probably 15 years or so), but it seems weird that the opening act would come on at 7pm (the apparent start time according to our tickets), and i'm assumming they'll play for an hour or so - wouldn't u2 take the stage closer to 8pm???

are there major gaps between the opening acts and u2 performing??? once again, pardon my ignorance but i haven't been to a concert in a long time
No, the opener has an hour, then the stage has to be setup for U2. Usually the stage setup is ready by 8.30-8.45.
Some openers, notably Snow Patrol, have had longer time for their act.
in Seattle and Anaheim 2 (possibly more, those are just the 2 shows I've seen this leg), Lenny Kravitz didn't actually start until 7:30 or so. Which was nice, as there was less time to wait before U2 came out.
yeah, I don't think Florence came on until 7:15-ish in Baltimore. She didn't play too long either, though she was good. they reminded me a lot (in a good way, not necessarily musically but sort of ) of PJ Harvey.
in Seattle and Anaheim 2 (possibly more, those are just the 2 shows I've seen this leg), Lenny Kravitz didn't actually start until 7:30 or so. Which was nice, as there was less time to wait before U2 came out.
yeah I liked this too. You can tell that Lenny is such a veteran performer, he knew what he needed to do as an opening band. He wasn't just performing for himself, he got the crowd riled up at the end of his set for U2. :) And it makes me wonder if he didn't time his set ahead of time to figure out the best time to take the stage and still leave enough time for the crew to set up. He gained so much respect from me on this tour (didn't he open for U2 in another tour as well?).

Florence's set seems shorter, so she could probably take the stage at 7.30 as well.
Need your help
Hi guys and gals. I'm a reporter at the newspaper in Moncton and I'm doing a story on folks coming here from "away" for Saturday's concert. So if you are traveling to Moncton for the big show, I'd love to talk to YOU, yes I said YOU, even if just briefly. There is nothing too complicated about this, I just need to know your name, where you are traveling from, how you are traveling here, if you've been to other U2 shows, what you expect of Saturday's grande finale, whether you will tour around Moncton and see the sights or just take in the show and go home, where are you staying, that sort of stuff.
Feel free to PM me your phone number and I'd be pleased to call you, or you can reach me via email at fosterj@timestranscript.com, or you can PM me your answers, or you can ring me up at 506 859 7133.
Quite simply, the story is about the people who are coming here from afar, their past U2 experiences and their expectations for Saturday's final show. All comments graciously appreciated, but please be aware I need your name and hometown or I cannot use them.
See you at the show! :wave:
Kindest regards,
Getting some responses already. Thank you so much those who have contributed. I can sure use more though!

As an afterthought, I might be able to help you folks out if you need any info on the area of the concert or the area in general.
Jim, I'm forwarding your message on to some friends I have who are going and asking that they pass the message around. I know several diehard, longtime fans are going who I'm sure would love to share their thoughts about this final show and experiences from the tour thus far.
Thanks, I Move!
The boss says I gotta finish this today so your help is MUCH appreciated.
It is pouring rain here now, with thunder and lightning. We're getting the bad weather over with now so our guests hopefully get nice weather on Saturday.
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