iTunes Question

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Blue Crack Supplier
May 7, 2006
A friend of mine gave me a CD with Boston: Elevation on it, ripped from the DVD. However, the tracks are not split up. Is there a way in which I could split the CD's tracks up into each song?
I used a program called audiology to do some work with sound files. When you open the file, it will be one long wave. Just cut where the song ends, paste it into a new file, save it as a sound file (I think it allows MP3.) Do that for each song.
I use Audacity, google it to get a link to download it :) you also need a file called lame to convert to mp3, but you should be able to get it on the site
I figured out how to do it with iTunes. :hyper: Thanks for the help though everyone. :up:
Now if only I can get ZooTV: Sydney into MP3 form, all will be right with my iPod.
Galeongirl said:
I use Audacity, google it to get a link to download it :) you also need a file called lame to convert to mp3, but you should be able to get it on the site

Was it using that program or no?
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