How many computers have you owned while an interferencer?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 2, 2000
Lansdale, PA
How many computers have you gone through since you joined this community? I've been through:

A crappy old HP in 2000-2001.

A crappy gateway from 2001-2003.

A refurbished compaq laptop from 2003-2005.

A less crappy HP from 2005-2007, which nonetheless decided to have a faulty motheboard.

Now I'm on another laptop, an hp this time, in hopes of having mobility during grad school.

A lot of machines have seen me through this site.
I'm on the same one I bought in 2003... a Dell Dimension desktop. Upgraded to a flat screen monitor last year.
hmm. I remember sharing a very old and crappy computer with my then-roommate back in 2000 when I joined. Then I was living in Switzerland and there was another crappy slow computer that we all shared. I had the honor of accessing this site using DrTeeth's computer (hey, for being old, it's not half bad!) ;) Then about a billion or so net cafe comps all over Europe whilst backpacking... Then a friend loaned me his laptop while I was in the States for a few months before Peace Corps. In Africa, I used the PC office comps to get online when I could. Now, I have an IBM Thinkpad through my job and that's what I use at home. Whew. :huh: Man, thinking about those old computers and the horrible dial-up connections brings back memories. lol.
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I'm on my second right now, though I just got a third. I currently alternate between the two as needs dictate.
sulawesigirl4 said:
hmm. I remember sharing a very old and crappy computer with my then-roommate back in 2000 when I joined. Then I was living in Switzerland and there was another crappy slow computer that we all shared. I had the honor of accessing this site using DrTeeth's computer (hey, for being old, it's not half bad!) ;) Then about a billion or so net cafe comps all over Europe whilst backpacking... Then a friend loaned me his laptop while I was in the States for a few months before Peace Corps. In Africa, I used the PC office comps to get online when I could. Now, I have an IBM Thinkpad through my job and that's what I use at home. Whew. :huh: Man, thinking about those old computers and the horrible dial-up connections brings back memories. lol.

He asked how many computers you've owned Sula-baby :wink:
DrTeeth said:

He asked how many computers you've owned Sula-baby :wink:

come to think of it...have i owned any???? :confused:

I'm going to have to think about this. Wow, if not, then I guess i've done a pretty good job of living in the internet age without spending any of my own money, huh? :sexywink:
Only one, which I've had since 2002. The one I had before that lasted me through all four years of college and the first semester of grad school. I'm ready for a new one, but it's not financially possible for me right now.

I also have an old laptop, but I use that only to do work and don't even have it set up to be internet capable.
Erm....7? :reject: Summer before college I worked and saved to buy a desktop PC, used that for years then sold it, then my grandpa and some friends and relatives just gave me a whole bunch of crappy older computers one by one that I would use, fix up, then sell for $50 until I had $200 to buy an old laptop from a friend (it was fine, it just had viruses so I reinstalled everything), then I sold that for only $25 less than what I paid for it 2 years earlier, and got my current laptop. My original desktop and my current laptop are the only computers that I bought new.
6 or 7.
Define 'computer'. I've had a few internal and external harddrive replacements, a few tower rebuilds, a few monitor replacements, a few laptops, a fair few parts replacements and OS upgrades, etc.
The good old standard HP desktop (1 GB RAM / nVIDIA 6600GT) and more recently, a nice HP laptop (512 MB RAM / shitty mobile GFX card) for school since Xmas.
I still use my good ole dependable Apple II complete with monochrome monitor (with two colors; black and green :drool: ) and two 5 1/4 inch floppy drives...

DOS :love:



I Keeed I Keeed...

Actually I have had 2 computers, a Pentium III and a new P4 which I've had for just over a year now...
Four. When I first registered, I had an HP desktop from 1999. I got a Toshiba laptop for school that I started using over the desktop, so I ended up giving the desktop to my brother. Then, after my mom had bugged my enough about how much better Macs were over PCs, I got a Powerbook in 2005. I held on to the Toshiba for awhile, but eventually sold that to my brother. And I bought a new Macbook earlier this year. I didn't need it, the Powerbook is still in great shape and it is the one I carry around to class, while the Macbook pretty much stays on my desk.
1, although I did add a new hard drive a few years ago so it could handle the large WAV. files I have.

Plus the one at work, that I'm currently on.
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