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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
i've disliked for a while now that the general political discussion thread is named after dipshit donnie. so let's start fresh with a thread that doesn't make me queasy whenever i read the title!
Now all we need is a war or terrorist attack to completely shut down any investigation.

Less than four months in and out government is a fucking mess. Not that it was a finely tuned machine prior to him, but perception was its full of assholes.

Now it feels like it's ready to collapse
WASHINGTON — Days before he was fired, James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in money and personnel for the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election, according to three officials with knowledge of his request.

Mr. Comey asked for the resources during a meeting last week with Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who wrote the Justice Department’s memo that was used to justify the firing of the F.B.I. director this week.

Mr. Comey then briefed members of Congress on the meeting in recent days.

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Those guys are so passive aggressive. This is their way to sticking it to Trump. I guess these days the rest of us have to take what we can get.
I saw Worst Sheriff Ever, Milwaukee's David Clarke (i.e., the asshole black guy in the cowboy hat who has had tons of people die in his jails while he's been in charge), is supposedly on the short list as a replacement.

I don't even know where to start if that's true.
I'd only seen Comey sitting on TV until last night. Dude is so tall, no wonder Trump fired him. Can't stand anyone being bigger than him.
The whole fucking country is going to hell in a hand basket. This Comey thing is a constitutional crisis, and the Republicans are just going to look the other way.

America is a corporatocracy, not a democracy, and I'm not sure there's any going back.
The whole fucking country is going to hell in a hand basket. This Comey thing is a constitutional crisis, and the Republicans are just going to look the other way.

America is a corporatocracy, not a democracy, and I'm not sure there's any going back.
yup we're all going to hell
This is all Clinton's fault.

Had the DNC not screwed over Bernie, we wouldn't have had to choose between two EVILS.

We had Jesus Christ as a candidate and turned him away
This is all Clinton's fault.

Had the DNC not screwed over Bernie, we wouldn't have had to choose between two EVILS.

We had Jesus Christ as a candidate and turned him away

not exactly.

as flawed as clinton was/is, anyone with any sort of intellectual capacity for determining right from wrong / better from worse, would have held their nose and voted for clinton over trump.

there were no surprises. trump is exactly as advertised. if the american electorate are too fucking daft to not know better, then they're getting exactly what they voted for. this of course doesn't pertain to those who voted for clinton but for everyone who voted for trump and especially those who abstained/wrote in bernie sanders on the ballot.

the election should never even have been close.
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not exactly.

as flawed as clinton was/is, anyone with any sort of intellectual capacity for determining right from wrong / better from worse, would have voted for clinton over trump.

there were no surprises. trump is exactly as advertised. if the american electorate are too fucking daft to not know better, then they're getting exactly what they voted for. this of course doesn't pertain to those who voted for clinton but for everyone who voted for trump and especially those who who abstained/wrote in bernie sanders on the ballot.

the election should never even have been close.

I know, I was just playing off of some of the comments on social media today regarding the whole shit show going on.

Some were directed at Bernie himself, as he lost the moral high ground when he backed Clinton after the primaries.

I still don't get how anyone in their right mind could argue that Clinton would be worse than Trump.
I don't know how this gets resolved. I would imagine the next FBI director, or the interim boss fires all those who are working on the Russia investigation. Or, stalls it at best
I know, I was just playing off of some of the comments on social media today regarding the whole shit show going on.

Some were directed at Bernie himself, as he lost the moral high ground when he backed Clinton after the primaries.

I still don't get how anyone in their right mind could argue that Clinton would be worse than Trump.

:up: fair enough
I don't know how this gets resolved. I would imagine the next FBI director, or the interim boss fires all those who are working on the Russia investigation. Or, stalls it at best

thing is, the US isn't the only one working on this - other countries (particularly the UK) have intel on this, so surely it's not just going to go away... hopefully at least...
I don't see how this doesn't get uglier. If GOP do come out and put the pressure for independent investigation, what will this Administration do to protect itself? Release shit about each congressman? Will Trump fire congress next??

If other countries are gathering intel, do we bomb them??? ;)

I don't know how you tune this out. It's so exhausting to watch.
thing is, the US isn't the only one working on this - other countries (particularly the UK) have intel on this, so surely it's not just going to go away... hopefully at least...

If the GOP doesn't have the balls to fight Trump on this stuff, then you guys may wind up being our only hope. We'll take any support in this fight we can get.
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