someone damaged my artwork

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 15, 2000
full of sound and fury
I'm pissed. I'm suing.


It happened to me once too fors.

My HSC that I had spent 9 frigging months on.

Are you ok? If you are like me you dont really get over it, so dont think Im gonna tell you comforting words or anything, there is no comfort. I'm mad for you mate.

Thinking of you fors. It sucks royally.

Wanna talk about what happened?
I did a pyrography piece which basically means that I did a picture using a soldering iron to burn wood. The method is, the longer the soldering iron makes contact with the wood, the darker the shade appears. So, anyway, that is the nature of my piece. It was large, too, 190 x 160 cm.

What has happened is, someone wrapped my artwork which is a flat piece of plank, and cellotaped wrapping onto the picture itself. So now what I have is a picture with cellotape marks on it. The marks cannot simply be sandpapered off because it is more of a chemical reaction, since the cellotape seems to have been stuck on it for a long period of time. Added to that, someone peeled off the cellotape strips, and in the process chipped some wood off.

How dumb can a person get?

I'm still gonna claim damages, hopefully a few thousand. Goodness... a year's work marred.

Oh well, with regards to the art piece, what's done is done. I won't let it spoil my week -- I'm
, remember?

My roommates keep trashing the Scooby Do coloring book pages Ive worked on and the stick figure renditions Ive so painstakingly draw on torn off spiral wide rule paper that I keep taping to our frige door!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone's a critic, dammit.
I'm very sorry foray, that must be the worst thing, anyone who damages someone else's artwork needs to have their blood used as paint, or their bones used as wood
omg, i'm so sorry to hear what's happened foray. I know you take your work very seriously, i'm speechless really. I hope you can get compensated for your hard work, though cash really is a poor representation for lost art!!! hope things get better, keep that chin up!! take care friend...

hmm, blood and bones ay wonderer?? little extreme dontcha think, didnt think so...!!
Fors, sorry I vented in your thread. It's something that still makes me mad, in case you cant tell! I never got my mark for that artwork, instead the school had to write a document to the board of education varifying that's what happened, then I had to submit every single peice of work I had done in the last 2 years of school, with a long written description of what it was supposed to look like. So my mark in the end was only an estimate. Then the kid lied about what he had done (it was covered in red paint). I only found this out because I thought there was perhaps a way to clean it, so after using solvent and water I realised he had actually mixed red ink in with the paint. Not only was he malicious in the damage done, but the dumb prick had spent the time carefully mixing it and ruining a perfectly fine bottle of acrylic not to mention my work, just to be cruel. A few years later the same student did art for his HSC and ended up in Art Express. A very big honour where you get exhibited in the Art Gallery of New South Wales. And his was an absolute piece of shit.

I've only tried pyrography once before, and not only found it hard to master, but very time consuming. I hope you can salvage some of it, or fix it so it isn't too bad. Did you find out who did it?
It's perfectly fine, Angie, I didn't think you were venting in my thread, anyway. I can totally understand how mad you would be til this day since it was a straight out malicious act. Life is unfair; then again, maybe a critic saw his piece and wrote a scathing review. Maybe someone bought it years ago but now it is being used as a decorative tabletop. Maybe it got stolen from him. Heh.

I'd rather not tell the specifics of how my piece came to be damaged. Let's just say that it is the government's fault. You see, it was entrusted (but not sold) to the government for a few years and only now I am claiming it back, only to find it damaged. So, in effect, I'm suing the government. Well, I guess I can claim some tax money back eh?
My only problem is how to quantify the damage.

Thanks everyone for the support. And you, Wanderer, for your warped imagination.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss foray. Theer are some thoughtless fools around that's for sure( or MrBeans ala whistler's Mother")
Angela, what year did that "vandal" have his work exhibited in the Art Express? They usually tour a selection around the state and I see some at the local gallery. I have a John Marsden book I love"A Prayer For The 21st CenturY" it is accompanied by Artexpress works.I hope that dickhead's work isn't in it.
Good luck foray.
oh thats horrible fors

I'll bet it was incredible too, with your talent. I've never heard of using that technique.
maybe a hug will make you feel a little better?

grr@people who dont understand what that stuff is worth
Thanks fors.
I really hope you see some justice done. The real shame is that you will never have it back as it was. Im so sad for you.

lol@Whistlers Mother! You mad me laff Cass! The year was I believe 1996 that he would have been in it. Can I post his name here? I guess so, the school did accept liability and were stupid enough to tell me who it was, prolly cos I threatened to sue like Fors is. Anyway, his name is Ben Denham. The work was this really dark and surreal landscape done in shades of Prussian Blue, I only remembenr it vaguely because my mother was already dragging me away from it when I realised who it was, she was concerned about a pending police record as I would have happily destroyed it there and then. Im not sure if his went on the national tour after that. I hope not because he didnt deserve it.

And yeah, the Art Gallery of NSW is incredible. They do fantastic short film festivals called Matinaze.

OK, I'll stop stealing fors' thunder now..
that sucks. can you sand off the tape mark and get a varish or finish for the wood that would be able to match the existing color, covering up the sanding? Hmmm...of course, I can't do much with wood so I'm not a good help.

Its cool at least to see how talented some of you are. I think SkeeK was on the one who had a thread in EYKIW with some of his artwork. I'm just going to live vicariously through you guys.
lmao, cass, @ 'dickhead'.

Angie, <corny comment coming> you can steal all the thunder you want, I have plenty now that it's monsoon season

sharky, thanks for your suggestions, but the cellotape reacted chemically to the wood, hence the wood colouring has changed. It's not a mere cosmetic problem, I'm afraid. I dare not restore the work for fear of damaging it further. Also, if I sanded certain parts, it would leave an uneven surface and the soldering iron wouldn't make an even texture then. Bear in mind that there are 10-11 such damaging marks, so I'd virtually have to sand off half the picture, which is about 6 month's worth of work, I think.

*hands foray a tissue, flowers, and a box of chocolate*
I'm sorry to hear that.

Taste is the enemy of art.
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