Shame on America

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Oct 8, 2000
This is a sad day for America. Their foreign policy has now equals greed and injustice. It's a shame that democracy is only promoted inside the country and not outside the country.

It's a shame that greed has led them so far, turning there back againgst the world in their quest for oil. It's a shame that America turns a blind eye and supports the weapons of mass destruction and the outrageous humanitarian crisis in Israel. It's a shame that one lobbying group can have such a massive influence on the direction of the country.

It;s a shame millions will die.

It's a shame that the American media essentially hides the truth via its biased management.

For those who believe this is some sort of war for patriotic justice. Don't be so naive. The world can't be wrong. THis is a sad day for America and the world.

I am so dissappointed in the direction such a great country has taken. It's just not fair. Saddam is a bad man, but what did he do to America. Don't believe the hype about the idea of terrorism. It's just a tool for AMerica to essentially take over the world economy for the next 50-100 years through such a foreign policy.

I'm sorry. I'm angry and saddened by all of this. I don't hate Americans. I just think some of them are blinded by the propaganda of media and state.

All I have to say is that if Iraq was the #1 exporter of Apples in the world, do you think America would care about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and human rights record? If they really cared about the world, maybe they'd be dismantling Indonesia's dictatorship and weapons. But the most of us know in the world American foreign policy is all about. I don't think some Americans do though.

It;s also a shame that those who speak out in America against the war get riduculed, "blacked out", or are labeled as unpatriotic. Shame.

I hope U2 has the guts to say what there opinions are about this war. Unfortunately, I feel as though they'd be labeled as anti-AMerican, potentially losing fans and access to the media.

It's such a sad day in the history of the world.

Shame shame shame.
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I'll support the U.S. The motive on their sleeve looks bad and I think many of them are. But I really feel that ultimatly, ultimatly this IS somehting that needs to be done. I think that leaving North Korea alone is a mistake and I think there have been many mistakes done. I don't trust Bush but I do trust the guys around him like Powell and it's the guys around the president that do the work. I HAVE to believe that there is something more to this than what we have seen on TV. I HAVE to believe that with the type of intelegence the US has there IS a reason for this. Its happening and there isn't a god damn thing we can do about it. I have to believe
Millions will die??

I think I will just leave FYM again. I came here tonight to partake in some discussion for once in a long time but why do people post this stuff?!?!?
it serves NOOOO purpose
You my friend are sad and the one that is blinded by propaganda.

You say that millions will die? This is a ridiculous statement with no basis in fact. several hundred were killed in the first Golf War, your statement is perposterous.

The only millions that HAVE died (yes over 1 MILLION) and will continue to die are the Iraqi people that have been killed by Saddam Hussein.

I am a moderate liberal, and I cannot believe that so-called liberal, "left" standers, who spout about human rights across the country and scream about the latest horrible tragedy of an American student killed by a bulldozer in Israel, turn a blind eye to millions being killed and tortured by Saddam.

Shame on you. You are a product of bandwagon jumping and can't see how taking out this deadly regime will save the lives of Iraqi and other middle easterners lives. You are incredibly short-sighted.

Will this thwart terrorism. I doubt it will. Am I suspect of the reasons why we are there in the first place. Of course. But if it saves millions of innocent people's lives in the long-run. then all the "peace-lovers" are the ones who should be ashamed.
:up: nice, womanfish.

if man inside the child were actually looking for a legitimate discussion about these issues he could have bumped up one of the 500 threads. instead we get some sort of backwards and ridiculous diatribe. not cool.
reminder: name calling is not condoned here in War, regardless of to whom it's aimed.

that being said, a different reminder. fym is all for opinions being offered, but never at the expense of others.

keep these rules in mind. :) thanks.
Hey guys,

I was just expressing my opinions.... no need for harsh remarks.

Anyways, let me answer womanfish...

"You say that millions will die? This is a ridiculous statement with no basis in fact. several hundred were killed in the first Golf War, your statement is perposterous."

Seeing that you're typically egocentric, not looking beyond your own domain...... I wasn't talking about how many American soldiers died.... (although I do not sympathise with there families), I was talking about the Iraqis.

Anyways... here's the proof to my "ridiculous" statement.

- More than 1,200,000 civilians in Iraq have died since the start of the Gulf War...(Source: United Nations).

You can follow up on that in many books, on the net...

Actually much more are expected this time with the bulk of the war focused on Iraq rather than Kuwait.

Owe, and womanfish, this is the GULF war not the GOLF war, I don't think Tiger Woods is involved.

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This is NOT a sad day for America. It is a day which will prevent FUTURE SAD DAYS in America and rest of the civilised world.

Finally there is a President willing to do the right thing and not be entangled in the UN stupidity.

I hope the elimination of Saddam & Co are achieved as soon as possible and with minimum civilian casuality.

you will NOT treat others as if they are ignorant in fym. i warned you once that personal attacking is not allowed at all and you replied after having clearly read the warning with attacks.

that is completely unacceptable.

please pick your language more carefully in the future.
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