Dubya's nicknames!

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
so *everyone* can feel like an insider ...

Nicknames granted by President George W. Bush.

Joe Allbaugh -- Big Country
Fred Barnes -- Barney
Max Baucus -- Maxie
Tony Blair -- Landslide
Barbara Boxer -- Ali
Martha Brant -- Martita
Michael D. Brown -- Brownie
Frank Bruni -- Pancho
George H.W. Bush -- Poppy
George W. Bush -- Dubya, Bushie
Laura Bush -- Bushie
Carl Cameron -- Camarones
Andrew Card -- Tangent Man
Paul Cellucci -- Cellooch
Dick Cheney -- Big Time
Jean Chrétien -- Dino (as in Dinosaur)
Susan Collins -- Sweet Susan
John Cornyn -- Corndog
Candy Crowley -- Dulce
Mitch Daniels -- The Blade
Tom Davis -- T.D.
John Dickerson -- Dick
Maureen Dowd -- Cobra
Dianne Feinstein -- Frazier
Barney Frank -- Sabretooth
Bill Frist -- Fristy
Rich Galen -- Richie
Alberto Gonzales -- Fredo
David Gregory -- Little Stretch
Stephen Hadley -- Hads
Dennis Hastert -- Speak
Pete Hoekstra -- Pedro
Karen Hughes -- High Prophet, The Enforcer, Hurricane Karen
Tim Hutchinson -- Hutch
David Jackson -- Action Jackson
Lee Jackson -- Action Jackson
Ted Kennedy -- Senator
Pete King -- Pedro
Mort Kondracke -- Morton
Dennis Kucinich -- Mayor
Dick Kyle -- Stretch
Ken Lay -- Kenny Boy
Larry Lindsey -- Thunderbolt Lindsey
Mitch McConnell -- Mitchie
Mark McKinnon -- M-Cat
George Miller -- El Grande Jorge
Ben Nelson -- Nellie, Benny, Benator
Colin Powell -- Balloonfoot
Vladimir Putin -- Pootie-Poot
Condoleezza Rice -- Guru
Karl Rove -- Boy Genius, Turd Blossom
John Rowland -- Johnny
Bill Sammon -- Super Stretch
Olympia Snowe -- The Big O
John Sweeney -- Congressman Kick-Ass
George Tenet -- Brother George
Tommy Thompson -- Double T
Fred Upton -- Freddo
Ann Veneman -- Bullets
Paul Wellstone -- Pablo
George Will -- The Commissioner
Patricia Wilson -- Outback Woman
Robert Zoellick -- The Adding Machine

With all those nicknames to remember, I'm not surprised there isn't anymore room in his head for anything else. :lol:
Are these real? Does Dubya actually call Rove "Turd Blossom"? I thought that was just made up in Doonesbury. :shrug:
My favorite "Big Country" songs are

In a Big Country (ah, gotta put it on right now.....
The Crossing
400 miles Fields of Fire
Harvest Home

haha, those are all on their greatest his album, which is the only one I have ! lol :shh:


Congressman Kick-Ass
Outback Woman

Blair as Landslide is...... an interesting choice..... heh
BrownEyedBoy said:
There's a "Fredo" and a "Freddo"... BIG difference.

the first one is pronounced "Fray-DOUGH" -- as in the hapless, mentally challenged brother in Godfathers 1 and 2 who Michael has killed at the end of 2 (in, perhaps, the most gorgeously timed sequence in film history).

the second one is just a frat boy nickname for Fred, pronounced "Fred-OH"

(sorry if you already knew that)
Irvine511 said:

the first one is pronounced "Fray-DOUGH" -- as in the hapless, mentally challenged brother in Godfathers 1 and 2 who Michael has killed at the end of 2 (in, perhaps, the most gorgeously timed sequence in film history).

the second one is just a frat boy nickname for Fred, pronounced "Fred-OH"

(sorry if you already knew that)

I have seen that scene many times and I still get chills down my spine...You can already tell by the first movie that Fredo is going to get offed at some point.
Ft. Worth Frog said:

I have seen that scene many times and I still get chills down my spine...You can already tell by the first movie that Fredo is going to get offed at some point.

agreed. totally brilliant.
It's so infantile, doesn't he see that it makes him seem even more empty-headed? We have a nickname for him here at our house. It's "Shit for Brains".
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