Catholics and Condoms

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shart1780 said:

Check my first post in the thread.

Oh yes, well the comment still makes absolutely no sense. Because you are taking every heterosexual who's dying of HIV out of the equation, plus you use homosexual without the context of lesbians.

Your comment is still treating HIV like a "gay" disease and it's not, the numbers don't lie.
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Do Miss America said:
They are both for our protection.
Still, not the greatest comparison, but I will go along with it for the sake of discussion. We should be allowed to talk about how to prevent the fire from starting, and for all the firestarters, what to do to keep the school from burning down.
Ehhh... I dont think that's a very good analogy. That's like saying "Please don't start a fire, but in case you decide not to listen to me... here's a fire extinguisher".

By giving out condoms we're only showing young people that we expect them to have sex, and that when they decide to everything will still be ok. People today seem to think that the sex in itself isn't the prolem, but just the aftermath, and that's probably one of the reasons why they're so willing to have sex!
shart1780 said:
Ehhh... I dont think that's a very good analogy. That's like saying "Please don't start a fire, but in case you decide not to listen to me... here's a fire extinguisher".

By giving out condoms we're only showing young people that we expect them to have sex, and that when they decide to everything will still be ok. People today seem to think that the sex in itself isn't the prolem, but just the aftermath, and that's probably one of the reasons why they're so willing to have sex!

I understand where she's coming from. I agree handing out condoms doesn't promote sex. We expect them to have sex? How?

"I think you should wait to have sex, but if you decide to, then please be safe and your school nurse will have condoms." How's that promoting sex? I don't get it.
nbcrusader said:

One doesn't typically bring a fire extiguisher along to an arson.

Don't be so sure of that. There have been disturbingly high numbers of fires started by firefighters wo then get to fight it. They like the rush and they like being the "hero." So there are a good number of fires set specifically to be put out.

and that was totally off the subject.....
I do feel that giving out condoms is promoting sex. You don't give someone a movie, and expect them not to watch it. You don't give someone an apple, and expect them not to eat it. You don't give someone a dollar, and expect them not to spend it.

Would it be wrong to educate on where these condoms are available instead?
I am inclined to agree with deep. Why not teach abstinence AND provide condoms? I've kept condoms in my wallet for as long as I can remember, but my private life is as uneventful as a Franciscan monk's.

It would be foolish of me to assume that everyone is like me, but it would be equally foolish to assume that everyone is the exact opposite; condom-owning lech's who have as much sex as a rabbit duing a particularly hot summer.

Macfistowannabe said:
I do feel that giving out condoms is promoting sex. You don't give someone a movie, and expect them not to watch it. You don't give someone an apple, and expect them not to eat it. You don't give someone a dollar, and expect them not to spend it.

To me condoms are a hassle, I just don't like them, but I used them when I had to.
So when people say they promote sex I just have to laugh, because condoms aren't fun.

Sex doesn't need promoting, people have been having sex since the beginning of time.

Seatbelts don't promote car crashes nor do bibs promote eating. They are both just in case devices just like that of a condom.
BVS is right you know. As long as you dont hand out ribbed condoms, no one will be tempted.

Seriously, why try and promote abstinence? Sex can feel incredible if done the right way and anyone who knows this is never EVER going to listen to someone's argument as for why it should be ceased. You're never going to stop people having sex. That's reality. Safe sex poses no harm whatsoever to anyone.
"BVS is right you know. As long as you dont hand out ribbed condoms, no one will be tempted."

Oh, really? :sexywink:

For those who are bothered by the "tell kids not to have sex but just in case you do, and you shouldn't, but if you do, use a condom"

Remember Prom Pledge? It was, as I recall, not controversial, recognized by most as common sense and a way to save kids' lives.

I signed that I would not drink at prom. My folks signed that if I did, they'd come get me, rather than have me drive home myself, with no questions asked and no yelling/lectures/etc. The message was clear: do NOT drink at prom. But if you screw up, don't make it a mistake that could cost you your life. Call me, I won't get mad, I want you safe.

Seems to be an analogy there....

This is not an easy issue to figure out. On the one hand you can't stop sexual activity and you might as well keep it safe. On the other hand I'm personally *not* comfortable with sex outside of marriage at all. But I have it in my own family (I have two divorced siblings) and I have to deal with it.
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