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Achtung Bubba

Jun 7, 2000
One Nation. Under God.
As mentioned in another thread, I am limiting myself withing Free Your Mind more or less to threads concerning Christianity specifically and religion in general.

In other words, I will not be adding much to political debates here. I still steadfastly stand behind my beliefs - beliefs that should be very well known to anyone who frequents this forum - but I no longer see any point in expressing them.

Here's why: this forum shows an undue bias against political conservatives.

First, the reason I became so upset in the first place was that forum members could accuse Republicans, without evidence, of knowingly allowing - or even PLOTTING - the 9/11/01 deaths of over three thousand American citizens, all for the sake of the oil industry.

When I became (understandably) concerned, I went to the mod's and admin's like a good little forum member should. They (apparently) disagree about the seriousness of the problem, but my question was never answered. Instead - and this was the most infuriating part - Sicy publically mocked my concerns.

Since then, I've noticed a handful of other signs that things are not well in this forum. Most notable was in the since-closed thread in which Diamond tried to bridge the political gap by asking everyone to post five good things about the political opposition. Several Bush-bashers found it impossible to say anything nice about the man - choosing to attack him and derail the thread rather than ignore the entire discussion.

("If you can't say anything nice...")

Note these three posts, which occured one after another:

Originally posted by Danospano
Concerning the post about Hitler. What I meant to say was his funny mustache. I don't know why I misspelled that word. Okay, moving on....

5 nice things about George W. Bush:

1) He's charming in a Mayberry, Huckle-berry Hound sort of way.

2) He is friendly to his collegues and invites them to cookouts at the White House.

3) He apparently doesn't drink alcohol, which after doing so is an extremely difficult quality to maintain.

4) He remains physically fit, despite a job (that by definition) shouldn't allow him to stay healthy.

5) He isn't least not yet.

Originally posted by Danospano
Another misprint. I meant to say that Hitler gets nothing but "flack", not "slack".

Someday I promise to proofread my posts before I post them. I swear.

Originally posted by Sicy
There's this button......... its called "edit".

Do you see it? Dano compared Bush to Adolph Hitler: "He isn't least not yet" (emphasis mine). Those last four words clearly imply that Dano thinks Bush will/may become a fascist dictator.

Sicy was clearly around, but did she mention this hate-filled comment? NOPE.

Basically, until I'm satisfied that the playing field is more even - that either liberals tone down their viciousness or we conservatives can reply in kind - I see no point in entering the discussion.

(There's probably a simple solution: make someone like z_edge, Diamond, or Bama a moderator.)

Thus, I will limit myself to mostly religion threads - tonight's forest fire discussion being a rare exception and another indication that my concerns may not be unfounded.

Feel free to note this post and move on. Feel free to start a discussion on it, too, but I just meant this as more of an announcement - placed here so as not to derail other threads.

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