A Texas HS Student And His Long Hair

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
There is a video clip here (I read the story on cnn.com) That is long hair?


LEAKEY, Texas -- A Leakey High School senior is being told by his school district to cut his hair, but the student claimed religious values ban him from cutting it.

Now, Ben Daly, 18, said he's being punished by the school district.

Daly said he is willing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, the Daly said he has contacted the American Civil Liberties Union.

"I've gone here since kindergarten. I know everybody, basically," Daly said.

In the small town of Leakey, everyone knows about Daly's haircut fiasco.

"My faith is Rastafarian," Daly said.

Rastafarianism is a religion created in the early 1900s.

"We take citing from Old Testament, stating you're not suppose to cut your hair," Daly said.

Daly was told on the first day of school that his hair was too long. He was told to cut it or face discipline.

"I talked to the superintendent, and that's when he supposedly got word from his attorney that my religion is illegitimate," Daly said.

Now, the former Baptist turned Rastafarian said he's being punished.

Daly said he is being educated and isolated from the rest of his classmates because of his hair. He said sometimes he gets lonely, but the school district said he violated their rules and must be disciplined.

"I get to go outside for 15 minutes just to exercise," Daly said.

John Daly, Ben's father, said he supports his son.

"In this crazy world, anything about peace and love is a way of life," John Daly said regarding Rastafarianism.

Superintendent Fred McNeil said Ben must follow the dress code like the other students. McNeil admitted Rastafarianism is a religion but needs the support of the school board.

"The school board can say what they want, but it's already been proven in other states," McNeil said.

In Louisiana, eight children, also Rastafarians, were allowed back to school after they were banned for extreme hairstyles.

And just a few weeks ago, Gov. Rick Perry signed into law a bill that protects students from being punished for expressing religious viewpoints.

"It's a little town, and it needs to come into the 21st century," John Daly said.

"I just want my education like everyone else," Ben Daly said.
It's hair, can they really force him to cut it, regardless of his religion? I can't imagine this would stand. And it's not even long. I'd like to see the "rule" that he's breaking.
Good lord, WHO CARES?!?! Article like these make me laugh b/c I went to a private school that is supposedly conservative and restricting of freedoms and bla bla bla....yet we never had issues like this. There were kids with long hair and/or dreads. There were kids with hot pink mohawks. Kids were atheists, Christians, wiccans, agnostics, whatever you name it. No one's religious or creative opinions were opposed upon. If kids are so distracted by someone else's hair, then THEY are the ones that need to make a change and get over it.
BonoVoxSupastar said:
I can't believe in 2007 we're still having issues over hair length...


I agree, you've GOT to be kidding! Long haired guys, bald girls, anything goes..or so I thought! What is this, 1964? :huh:

It's also stupid because people who complain about long hair on guys are insinuating it makes them bad people. Did they forget the Founding Fathers and most of the Bible heroes had long hair? And there are plenty of skinheads in jail? This is the most preposterous form of discrimination. Worst I've heard since the kid who got kicked out for blue hair.
I'm assuming that this is a public school so I'm not sure how they could ever expect to force the kid to cut his hair. If it were a private school, then it would be a completely different story.

I wouldn't even call it long, it's more of a shaggy look that everyone is sporting these days.

I wonder if he shaved his head, if the'd force him to wear a wig :hmm:
MrsSpringsteen said:
That is long hair?

That's just what I said when I saw it! I couldn't believe that hair would be considered long by anyone's standard. I don't think it's a particularly attractive hairstyle, but it's a far cry from being excessively long.

Silly, silly people. :tsk:
this makes me sad

i love long hair on men :(

seriously though this is absurd. I mean what is the logic here? How does his hair length matter? I know in my junior high we weren't supposed to dye our hair so it wouldn't be "distracting," but first of all that was in junior high, by high school it was anything goes (I wonder if that's the case now though..they have uniforms now :yikes: i'm glad i got out when I did!) but I don't see how his hair would be distracting or cause any sort of disturbance. Tons of guys have hair that length or even longer.

as for the rastafarianism eh...call me cynical but I'm guessing he's just using that as an excuse to FIGHT THA POWER UNNGHHH


No kidding. My hair was longer than that in high school, it was the 80s coughMulletcough and I had it pretty long in the back, nobody said anything.
Agree with the public vesus private school issue, although that would be on the basis that a public school discriminating against religious practice is the government doing it but a private institution should have control over it's own standards of admission - but where would that leave somebody who refuses to cut their hair until interspecies marriage is legalised who is in public school; forcing them to conform to a code of presentation or a dress code would not be imposing on their religious rights, although to an extent it would be one of freedom of expression.
you don't really have any rights in school unfortunatley

like I said, this year my school system adopted a uniform policy. public schools. :shrug:

it just seems like a really dumb policy. no long hair on guys? I'm glad we've progressed so much throughout the last 50 years.
AtomicBono said:
you don't really have any rights in school unfortunatley

like I said, this year my school system adopted a uniform policy. public schools. :shrug:

it just seems like a really dumb policy. no long hair on guys? I'm glad we've progressed so much throughout the last 50 years.

Do you really equate long hair with progress? What about improving math and science scores? I would consider that progress.
AEON said:

Do you really equate long hair with progress? What about improving math and science scores? I would consider that progress.

Damn straight! And everyone knows boys can only learn if they have short hair.
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