It's Official#I passed

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
my Geomicrobiology course! :up:

So if you have questions concerning anything geomicrobiological, post them here. Though it's unlikely I will ever answer them since I'm kinda busy right now. So stop wasting my time :angry:
Dr. Teeth baby.:wave:

Are ya still enjoying my bootleg? Hope so.

Ron here. Heard from Bethany lately??

Oh. I'm sorry.Congrats.
Geomicrobiology (sometimes the broader term "geobiology" is used) is the interdisciplinary study of the interactions of (micro)organisms and materials in their environments. Geomicrobiology can be viewed as being closely related to (or another term for) microbial ecology and environmental microbiology, and aspects of industrial or applied microbiology - and even astro- or exobiology, but each has a little different emphasis.


Yahoo :heart:
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