It's Official#9

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just frustrations up to wazoo

I just finished a paper in biochem I have due sucks HARD, but it's the best I can do right now.

This is my last year of university and I have run out of steam...I don't know if I will be able to finish

xmas is coming and dad is moving away on tuesday because he can't get work here. This is going to be a weird christmas...
my folks are going through financial problems and it's mostly my fault. If I wasn't in university, or if I had enough income on my own, they wouldn't have to worry about getting more money

don't even get me started on how much I have been longing for some type of girlfriend lately. I'm sick of seeing pretty girls, I wish they would all go away so I wouldn't have to think of them

why am I such a coward!!?!?!


there...that's my speel for this year
Level of greatness is acheived only by the level of strength you have in your heart.

----Walkron 2002:scratch:
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not that my advice really matters but....

don't be afraid of the pretty girls....I've seen you're pic and any girl would be lucky to have you. Saying "hi" is a great ice breaker... don't underestimate yourself.

It's not entirely you're fault for your family's money situation.....the economy sucks right now. .... but once you get that degree you can get a job and be able to pay back those loans. You have a little over a semester left....hang in did for the past 3 or 4 years.

I gotta a little carried away I think

Can you say "overreaction"?
and everyone says "amen"

the mello-dramatic fool am I
Hey there Bassy. :hug:

First, I'm sure you'll manage to get over the one last year of university.

Second, don't blame yourself over money - it's not your fault. Education is important, and I'm sure your parents don't hold financial problems against you in any way.

Third, I've seen your pic too and to be honest, I'm surprised to hear someone like you is single! But maybe (I know, cliche here I come) the longer "waiting" for someone means you will end up with a REALLY REALLY great person.
Kirk -

In an earlier post, I read "I have seen your picture, and any girl would be lucky to have you." I just wanted to stand up and say that not because of your looks, but your personality, any girl would be lucky to have you.

Hang in there fellow IO-guy.
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