It's Official #22874 Chuck

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Lemon Meringue

Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 4, 2002
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Have you ever seen a woodchuck in a tree before? Maybe they really CAN chuck wood!!! :applaud:
*activates BC alarm*


You are too close! Step away from the Bonochick!
lemonpie, why are you always bringing up such nonsense? be it relating to woodchucks chucking wood, tall white socks, or lumina aluminum allen steven niemenen, most of what you say is complete jibberish. i've seen it in action folks. there are times she realizes her thomfoolery and in fact hits her head against the wall in frustration over fat, stinky men.

yes, ms. pie, your sock wearing allen niemenen, fat stinky woodchucks are indeed frustrating.
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