it's official #1305

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Screaming Flower

ONE love, blood, life
Aug 29, 2001
today is my one year anniversary. i didn't actually start posting for about a month but i don't care. i'm still going to start a thread in my honor. i am great after all. even if salami thinks i'm uncool.

enjoy this post while you can because i'll be leaving after work and won't be back until monday night. i know you will all miss me terribly.

:wave: this post is going to make me look like a diamondegomaniac
Re: omo

Screaming Flower said:
i :heart: the noodle.

:wave: what do you think of the new coldplay. yum chris martin

i :heart: the floodle

:wave: I don't like it. I think they're trying too hard to prove they have artistic cred. But Chris Martin is yum, even if it's rumoured to be dating snobby Gwyneth Paltrow.

I like anniversarys.

:wave: are you going to do something fun this weekend?
have a great break sceamin~

:wave: what color does a smurf feel when they are down?
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